Hi everyone , just to let you know that the “change parameters between standalone runs” feature has now been merged into master and is ready for more extensive testing. It will be a few months before the next release, so please understand that some details of the feature might still change, but these changes should be minor (unless someone finds a major issue, of course). To test, you can install Brian’s latest development version as explained in the installation docs (the version that introduced the feature is
), or of course run Brian directly from its git repository. There is quite a bit of documentation for the new feature, and I added/updated examples to use it as well (make sure you are on the “latest” version of the documentation, the “stable” version won’t show it). Please note that – thanks to the suggestions in this discussion thread – this feature not only works for neuronal variables, but also for synapses and TimedArray
A few links:
- user documentation for the feature
- developer documentation for the feature
- Bisection example from Stimberg et al. 2019, using the feature
- Adapted example for efficient multiple runs of standalone
- Using standalone with multiple processes
Let me know what you think and whether it works for you!