Changing stimuli programmatically in C++ standalone

Following up the discussion with @DavidKing2020 in User-provided function in run_regularly, here’s a little example showing that you can include rather complex programming logic in C++ standalone mode, with only basic Brian functions (i.e. without writing C++ code yourself). In the below example (full code here), I use a TimedArray to store 10 stimuli for 5 neurons, each 100ms long (each of the stimuli here is just a constant rate for each of the neurons, but it could also be time-varying).

# Each "input" is one combination of rates across the 5 neurons
n_stimuli = 10
rates = TimedArray(np.random.rand(n_stimuli, 5)*100*Hz, dt=100*ms)
stimulus_length = 100*ms

The group that transforms the rates into spikes is a NeuronGroup, which gives us more flexibility than a PoissonGroup. It does not simply replay the stimulus over time, but instead uses a start_t variable (set to t at the beginning of each block) and a stimulus_idx to shift the time so that it reads the stimulus from the correct block. It also multiplies the rate with a factor, so that we can scale it up if needed.

max_repetitions = 5
input_spikes = NeuronGroup(5, '''
                   rate = stimulus_strength * rates(t - start_t + stimulus_length*stimulus_idx, i) : second**-1
                   start_t : second  # Start time of the current trial
                   stimulus_idx : integer  # Index of the stimulus to show
                   stimulus_strength : 1  # Factor to scale up stimulus
                   repetitions : integer  # Number of times the stim has been presented''',
input_spikes.stimulus_strength = 1

The target neurons are very simple lif neurons with an exponential synaptic current (connected 1–to–1 with the input neurons, but this could be different):

tau = 10*ms; tau_syn = 5*ms
target_neurons = NeuronGroup(5, '''dv/dt = (-v + I)/tau : 1
                                   dI/dt = -I/tau_syn : 1  # synaptic current''',
                             threshold='v > 1', reset='v = 0')

connections = Synapses(input_spikes, target_neurons, on_pre='I += 1')

Now, we’ll have to be a bit creative. Our criterion for a “good trial” is that we have a certain number of spikes across all neurons for this block. To make this number easily accessible, we create a dummy group that stores this value and increase the spike counter for each spike via a synapse. We also reset the counter after each block:

# A dummy "synapse" and a dummy group. Used to keep track of the total number of spikes in
# the target group
spike_counter = NeuronGroup(1, 'spike_counter : integer')
counter_synapse = Synapses(target_neurons, spike_counter, on_pre='spike_counter += 1')
# Reset the spike counter every 100ms
counter_synapse.run_regularly('spike_counter = 0', when='end', dt=stimulus_length)

Finally, we can put everything together via a synapse that connects this spike counter to the input neurons, and changes the stimulus_idx and stimulus_strength according to our rule: here, we want to switch to the next stimulus if at least 5 spikes were recorded or if we have exceeded the maximum number of trials. If this is not the case, we keep the same stimulus, and multiply its strength by 1.5. Since we still don’t have proper support for some kind of if operator in Brian code, we’ll have to work around by multiplying with 0s or 1s:

 Another "synapse", that uses the information in the spike counter to update the stimulus
# and or 
stimulus_control = Synapses(spike_counter, input_spikes)
switch_stimulus = spike_counter_pre > 5 or repetitions_post >= max_repetitions

repetitions_post = int(not switch_stimulus)*(repetitions_post + 1)
stimulus_idx_post += int(switch_stimulus)
stimulus_strength_post = 1*int(switch_stimulus) + 1.5*stimulus_strength_post*int(not switch_stimulus)

start_t = t
stimulus_strength_post = int(not stimulus_idx_post >= n_stimuli)*stimulus_strength_post
''', dt=stimulus_length, when='before_end')

The model is now complete and should do what we want. Unfortunately, we cannot dynamically change the runtime of a simulation in C++ standalone mode, so we have to run for the maximum possible time:


This should not be that bad in practice, since we switch off the stimulus by setting its strength to 0 if we go beyond the last stimulus. Simulating the unnecessary time should therefore be relatively quick.

Here’s a little post that shows that everything seems to be working as expected (note that stimulus_idx continues to increase in the final period, but this does not affect anything).


I made a the following changes to the above example:

  input_spikes = NeuronGroup(5, '''
                     rate: second**-1
                     start_t : second  # Start time of the current trial
                     stimulus_idx : integer  # Index of the stimulus to show
                     stimulus_strength : 1  # Factor to scale up stimulus
                     repetitions : integer  # Number of times the stim has been presented''',
  input_spikes.stimulus_strength = 1
  input_spikes.rate='stimulus_strength * rates(t - start_t + stimulus_length*stimulus_idx, i)'

The result is somehow different from the original output though I expected it to be the same


Hi @DavidKing2020 . When you set

input_spikes.rate='stimulus_strength * rates(t - start_t + stimulus_length*stimulus_idx, i)'

you perform an initialization at the beginning of the simulation (i.e. using t=0ms, etc.). The value of input_spikes.rate will not change over time. You can compare this to a simulation where you set
the neuron’s membrane potential to a random value at the start of the simulation, e.g.:

neuron.v = 'v_reset + rand()*(v_threshold - v_reset)

You wouldn’t expect that this expression gets evaluated repeatedly for each time step during the simulation. The same mechanism is at play in your example, the expression you give for the rate gets only evaluated once.

Thanks Marcel. I’m trying to add the following neuron and synapse to control the amount of idle time of input spikes.

    silence_spikes = SpikeGeneratorGroup(1, [0], [stimulus_length - 10*ms], period=stimulus_length)
    silence_input_syn = Synapses(silence_spikes, input_spikes, on_pre='rate_post = 0*Hz')
    silence_input_syn.delay = 0*ms

The error is:

SyntaxError: Illegal line 'rate_post = 0*Hz' in abstract code. Cannot write to subexpression 'rate_post'.

The addition works fine with the attribute:

    rate: second**-1

but fails with

 rate = stimulus_strength * rates(t - start_t + stimulus_length*stimulus_idx, i) : second**-1

Ok, now I get what you are trying to do. Some explanation first: if you write rate = ..., you define what we call a “subexpression”. This basically means that wherever you write rate, it will be substituted by its right-hand-side. So in my above example, you could also directly write threshold='rand()<stimulus_strength * rates(t - start_t + stimulus_length*stimulus_idx, i)*dt' instead of defining rate. A subexpression is not something you can give a value. The semantics of this would be unclear: if you define rate as a function of time but then set it to 0Hz, should it stay at that value forever? I think in your case, you rather want to silence the last 10ms of every stimulus, but it should become active again for the next stimulus. There are various ways to do this:

  1. You could directly include the “silent time” into the array that you wrap in the TimedArray.
  2. You can multiply the rate by 0 during the silent time, by using something like
rate = int(t - start_t < stimulus_length - 10*ms) * stimulus_strength * rates(...) : second**-1

This will multiply the definition of the rate by 1, except during the last 10ms where it will be multiplied by 0.
3. In some cases, something closer to the approach you tried could also be useful. You could add a new variable and refer to it in the rate definition:

is_quiet : boolean
rate = int(not is_quiet) * stimulus_strength * rates : second**-1

You could then target the is_quiet variable by a synapse and switch it between True and False when appropriate.

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Thanks. That’s solved the problem.

changing "repetitions : integer " to “repetitions : integer (shared)” leads to the following errors:

 SyntaxError: All writes to scalar variables in a code block have to be made before writes to vector variables. Illegal write to 'repetitions_post'.

Naively, I expect this should work because all neuron share the same "repetitions " valus

Hi @DavidKing2020 . There’s a technical limitation that code blocks (like the stimulus_control.run_regularly above) need to first update all scalar (i.e. shared variables), before it runs a loop that will update all the neuron/synapse-specific values. In this case, this would mean that repetitions_post would have to be updated first, but that’s not possible because we need the value of switch_stimulus which (again for technical reasons) is not a scalar variable… There are ways to deal with this a bit more gracefully within Brian – e.g., the spike_counter variable is technically not a scalar variable, but it could be considered one since its group has size 1 – and there are probably ways around it by making the code more complicated. I don’t think having repetitions as a variable that redundantly stores the same value is a major issue here, so I’d recommend just leaving it as it is. Or do you have any specific reason why you need it to be a shared variable?

Thanks for the feedback. I was hoping to make it a little faster, but this is indeed not really an issue and I will just leave it as is.

FWIW: It’s very unlikely that this change would have made it faster, in particular given that this run_regularly operation is only executed once every stimulus_length. You might want to use the profiling mechanism to see where the time is actually spent.

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Hi @mstimberg , is there an efficient way of broadcasting the "stimulus_idx ", of the input_spikes to another neuron? Right now, I’m thinking of using “on_pre” of a synapse for this purpose, e.g.

  S =  brian2.Synapses(input_spikes , neuron,  eqs,   on_pre='idx =stimulus_idx ')

It works but the same stimulus_idx is assigned whenever there’s a presynaptic spike when the stimulus is not changed. Is it possible to just execute "idx=stimulus_idx " just one time with any input_spikes and ignore other spikes until the stimulus is changed?

Just to make sure I understand, the problem with your current approach is not that the result is wrong, but only that it is not very efficient?

I think the most elegant way to deal with this would be to change the stimulus_control.run_regularly so that instead of directly changing stimulus_idx and stimulus_strength on the post-synaptic neuron, it would set a boolean variable (e.g. switch_stimulus) on it. Then, you could use a custom event (Custom events — Brian 2 2.5.2 documentation) on the post-synaptic neuron which gets triggered by this boolean. The “reset” statement of this boolean event would then do the changes to the stimulus (and reset the boolean variable). You could then use this event to propagate the new stimulus.

Oh wait, changing the stimulus should probably stay in the run_regularly, because if you do it as part of the same reset where you switch off the boolean variable, then you could not propagate the change (at the time when the event gets triggered, the stimulus index hasn’t been updated yet).

There could be a misunderstanding of my question. I wasn’t meant to change the way the stimulus are assigned in the original example, but rather try to propagate the stimulus_idx to another neuron. Here are more details of what I intended to do based on above inputs:

create a custom events as follows:

 input_spikes = NeuronGroup(5, '''
               switch_stimulus: boolean
               rate = stimulus_strength * rates(t - start_t + stimulus_length*stimulus_idx, i) : second**-1

One neuron is connected to input_spikes as follows:

 G = NeuronGroup(1, 'stimulus_idx: integer')
 syn_input2G = Synapses(input_spikes, G, on_event={'post':'custom_event'})   

The goal is to assign G.stimulus_idx = input_spikes.stimulus_idx when custom_event is triggered. What would be the correct command to do this assignment?

I think I understood correctly. In your example, the last definition is a bit wrong (you want pre instead of post), and it will define the assignment:

 G = NeuronGroup(1, 'stimulus_idx: integer')
 syn_input2G = Synapses(input_spikes, G, on_event={'pre':'custom_event'},
                        on_pre='stimulus_idx_post = stimulus_idx_pre')

By using on_event={'pre': 'custom_event'}, you are saying that on_pre shouldn’t be triggered by the usual spike event, but instead by your custom event. I think this is what you wanted, right?

Thanks for the follow ups. I implemented the changes accordingly but the stimulus_idx remains zero during the run. Could it be related to the scheduling? The updated code is attached and further inputs are appreciated. (3.7 KB)

The issue seems to be that

syn_input2G = Synapses(input_spikes, G, on_pre='stimulus_idx_post = stimulus_idx_pre', on_event={'pre':'custom_event'})

is not connecting any synapses. After adding:

syn_input2G.connect(i=0, j=0)

it seems to work correctly.

PS: Brian usually raises an error if you include a Synapses object without any connect call – not quite sure why it doesn’t here.

This is indeed the case. I forgot to add the connect(). It’s working now. Thanks for the inputs

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