Chat on Discourse now enabled

Hello everyone,
and a late Happy New Year for those celebrating :sparkles: :smiley:

We’ve enabled the chat feature on our support forum, which gives a new way to quickly ask questions that appear to not be worthy of a dedicated topic or for which the answer will be outdated very soon (“do you know when you release the new version?”, “is github down for everyone or just me?”, “is anyone here going to the Cosyne conference?”, …).
By default, messages will be deleted after 90 days, except for direct, “private” messages (I’m not 100% sure these are actually private, we moderators might be able to see them if we wanted to…). The chat can link back to topics and vice versa, and there are ways to turn a chat thread into a topic (I think) – we are going to figure this out as we go :slightly_smiling_face:

To avoid spreading out communication over too many platforms, we will take the opportunity to close down the gitter channel.

You can find the chat under the speech bubble on the top right of the interface

Happy chatting :speech_balloon: !