Creating a Spatial Neuron uses too much memory and then crashes

Description of problem

When I run SpatialNeuron(), Python keeps running for a long time and uses an increasing amount of memory until it finally runs out of system RAM (and crashes).

I have an equation with many ionic channels, I deleted every single one of them and started adding them one by one and found out this is due to the I_Na current but it doesn’t make much sense to me as to why.

Minimal code to reproduce problem


eqs_IO_Ca = '''
dCa/dt = (-3*I_Ca_h*((uamp / cm**2)**-1)*mM - 0.075*Ca)/ms : mM
eqs_IO_Isom = '''
I_l     = g_l*(v-V_l)               : metre**-2*amp
I_Na    = g_Na*m_inf**3*h*(v-V_Na)  : metre**-2*amp
I_Ca_l  = g_Ca_l*k*k*k*l*(v-V_Ca)   : metre**-2*amp
I_K_dr  = g_Kdr*n*n*n*n*(v-V_K)     : metre**-2*amp
I_h     = g_h*q*(v-V_h)             : metre**-2*amp
I_K_s   = g_K_s*(x_s**4)*(v-V_K)    : metre**-2*amp
eqs_IO_Iden = '''
I_Ca_h  = g_Ca_h*r*r*(v-V_Ca)       : metre**-2*amp
I_K_Ca  = g_K_Ca*s*(v-V_K)          : metre**-2*amp
eqs_IO_Iax = '''
I_K_a  = g_K_a *x_a**4*(v-V_K)      : metre**-2*amp
I_Na_a = g_Na_a*m_a**3*h_a*(v-V_Na) : metre**-2*amp
eqs_IO_activation = '''
dh/dt = (h_inf - h)/tau_h : 1
dk/dt = (k_inf - k)/tau_k : 1
dl/dt = (l_inf - l)/tau_l : 1
dn/dt = (n_inf - n)/tau_n : 1
dq/dt = (q_inf - q)/tau_q : 1
dr/dt = (r_inf - r)/tau_r : 1
ds/dt = (s_inf - s)/tau_s : 1
m_a = m_inf_a : 1
dh_a/dt = (h_inf_a - h_a)/tau_h_a : 1
dx_a/dt = (x_inf_a - x_a)/tau_x_a : 1
dx_s/dt = (x_inf_s - x_s)/tau_x_s : 1
eqs_IO_inf = '''
m_inf   = alpha_m /(alpha_m+beta_m)        : 1
h_inf   = alpha_h/(alpha_h+beta_h)         : 1
k_inf   = 1/(1+e**(-(v/mvolt+61)/4.2))    : 1
l_inf   = 1/(1+e**((v/mvolt+85.5)/8.5))   : 1
n_inf   = alpha_n/(alpha_n+beta_n)         : 1
q_inf   = 1/(1+e**((v/mvolt+75)/(5.5)))   : 1
r_inf   = alpha_r/(alpha_r + beta_r)       : 1
s_inf   = alpha_s/(alpha_s+beta_s)         : 1
m_inf_a = 1/(1+(e**((-30-v/mvolt)/ 5.5))) : 1
h_inf_a = 1/(1+(e**((-60-v/mvolt)/-5.8))) : 1
x_inf_a = alpha_x_a/(alpha_x_a+beta_x_a)   : 1
x_inf_s = alpha_x_s/(alpha_x_s + beta_x_s) : 1
eqs_IO_tau = '''
tau_h   = 170*msecond/(alpha_h+beta_h)                                          : second
tau_k   = 5*msecond                                                             : second
tau_l   = 1*msecond*(35+(20*e**((v/mvolt+160)/30/(1+e**((v/mvolt+84)/7.3))))) : second
tau_n   = 5*msecond/(alpha_n+beta_n)                                            : second
tau_q   = 1*msecond/(e**((-0.086*v/mvolt-14.6))+e**((0.07*v/mvolt-1.87)))     : second
tau_r   = 5*msecond/(alpha_r + beta_r)                                          : second
tau_s   = 1*msecond/(alpha_s + beta_s)                                          : second
tau_h_a = 1.5*msecond*e**((-40-v/mvolt)/33)                                    : second
tau_x_a = 1*msecond/(alpha_x_a + beta_x_a)                                      : second
tau_x_s = 1*msecond/(alpha_x_s + beta_x_s)                                      : second
eqs_IO_alpha = '''
alpha_m   = (0.1*(v/mvolt + 41))/(1-e**(-(v/mvolt+41)/10)) : 1
alpha_h   = 5.0*e**(-(v/mvolt+60)/15) : 1
alpha_n   = (v/mvolt + 41)/(1-e**(-(v/mvolt+41)/10)) : 1
alpha_r   = 1.7/(1+e**(-(v/mvolt - 5)/13.9)) : 1
alpha_s   = ((0.00002*Ca/mM)*int((0.00002*Ca/mM)<0.01) + 0.01*int((0.00002*Ca/mM)>=0.01)) : 1
alpha_x_a = 0.13*(v/mvolt + 25)/(1-e**(-(v/mvolt+25)/10)) : 1
alpha_x_s = 0.13*(v/mvolt + 25)/(1-e**(-(v/mvolt+25)/10)) : 1

eqs_IO_beta = '''
beta_m = 9.0*e**(-(v/mvolt+60)/20)                        : 1
beta_h = (v/mvolt+50)/(1-e**(-(v/mvolt+50)/10))          : 1
beta_n = 12.5*e**(-(v/mvolt+51)/80)                       : 1
beta_r = 0.02*(v/mvolt + 8.5)/(e**((v/mvolt + 8.5)/5)-1) : 1
beta_s = 0.015                                             : 1
beta_x_a  = 1.69*e**(-0.0125*(v/mvolt + 35))              : 1
beta_x_s  = 1.69*e**(-0.0125*(v/mvolt+ 35))               : 1

eqs_vector = '''
V_Na : volt
V_K  : volt
V_Ca : volt
V_l  : volt
V_h  : volt
g_Na   : siemens/meter**2
g_Kdr  : siemens/meter**2
g_Ca_l : siemens/meter**2
g_h    : siemens/meter**2
g_Ca_h : siemens/meter**2
g_K_Ca : siemens/meter**2
g_l : siemens/meter**2
g_Na_a   : siemens/meter**2
g_K_a   : siemens/meter**2
g_K_s   : siemens/meter**2

eqs_IO = eqs_IO_beta
eqs_IO += eqs_IO_alpha
eqs_IO += eqs_IO_tau
eqs_IO += eqs_IO_inf
eqs_IO += eqs_IO_activation
eqs_IO += eqs_IO_Iax
eqs_IO += eqs_IO_Iden
eqs_IO += eqs_IO_Isom
eqs_IO += eqs_IO_Ca
eqs_IO += eqs_vector

eqs_IO_V = '''
Im = (-(I_l +I_Na +  I_Ca_l + I_K_dr + I_h + I_K_s + I_Ca_h + I_K_Ca + I_c + I_K_a + I_Na_a)) : metre**-2*amp
I_c : metre**-2*amp
Iapp : amp (point current)
eqs_IO += eqs_IO_V

dt = 0.025*ms # We set the timestep for the simulation
dt_rec = 0.25*ms # We set the timestep for the recording

# We create the spatial neuron. Please note that this takes a long time (more than 5 minutes).
IO = SpatialNeuron(morphology=IO_morpho, model = eqs_IO, Cm=1 *uF*cm**-2, Ri=100.0*ohm*cm, method="exponential_euler", name = 'SchweighoferOlive', dt=dt)

What you have aready tried

Deleting all the currents and adding them one by one.

Expected output (if relevant)

Actual output (if relevant)

Full traceback of error (if relevant)

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sympy/core/ in getit(self)
    261         try:
--> 262             return self._assumptions[fact]
    263         except KeyError:

KeyError: 'zero'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<timed exec> in <module>

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/brian2/spatialneuron/ in __init__(self, morphology, model, threshold, refractory, reset, events, threshold_location, dt, clock, order, Cm, Ri, name, dtype, namespace, method, method_options)
    319                 f"Cannot take the derivative of '{Im_expr.code}' with respect to v.")
--> 321         gtot_str = sympy_to_str(sp.simplify(-diffed))
    322         I0_str = sympy_to_str(sp.simplify(Im_sympy_exp - diffed*v_sympy))

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sympy/simplify/ in simplify(expr, ratio, measure, rational, inverse, doit, **kwargs)
    598     expr = bottom_up(expr, lambda w: getattr(w, 'normal', lambda: w)())
    599     expr = Mul(*powsimp(expr).as_content_primitive())
--> 600     _e = cancel(expr)
    601     expr1 = shorter(_e, _mexpand(_e).cancel())  # issue 6829
    602     expr2 = shorter(together(expr, deep=True), together(expr1, deep=True))

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sympy/polys/ in cancel(f, *gens, **args)
   6619     try:
-> 6620         (F, G), opt = parallel_poly_from_expr((p, q), *gens, **args)
   6621     except PolificationFailed:
   6622         if not isinstance(f, (tuple, Tuple)):

… follows deeper into sympy …

Hi @eliasmateo95 . Thanks for the report, I can confirm the issue on my machine. The problem seems to occur when we rearrange the equations and call sympy’s simplify along the way. I will try to figure out what exactly is going on next week. Until then you could try a little workaround: to simplify the equations yourself, you can mark some of the equations (not differential equations, but e.g. m_inf, alpha_m, etc.) as “(constant over dt)”. This means, that instead of plugging them into the equations and using the integration method, they are calculated once at the beginning of a time step. This makes the equations much simpler, since they can now be treated as constants (even though of course their value changes every time step). With a small simulation time step, this shouldn’t make much difference compared to the usual solution, especially for slowly changing currents. Even just marking a few of marking very few of them this way seems to change the equations enough so that sympy no longer runs into this weird endless loop.

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