Creating Spatially Defined Connectivity with Specific Number of Synapses

Description of problem

Hello Brian2 team,

I am wanting to define a specific number of synapses which are based on spatial distances and I am just wondering if you might have any insights into how best to do this.

I am defining the synapses between neuron groups (source_n_group and target_n_group) with a specific number (nsyn).

Currently I use a gaussian function to find the likelihood of connections (p) based on the parameters defining the spatial locations in my neurons (X, and Y) and then select the target indices based on this. But with the for loops, it is an incredibly slow process and not very suitable for large numbers of synapses.

So if you have any tips on a better way to do this, it would be really appreciated!

Thanks =)

Minimal code

syn= Synapses(neurons, neurons, model=syn_model, on_pre=pre_model) #Create synapse

pre_index = np.random.randint(source_n_group.start, source_n_group.stop, size=nsyn) #Select pre-synaptic indexes
pre_counter_dict=collections.Counter(pre_index) #create dictionary of presynaptic indexes and number of connections for each index
pre_index_list = list(pre_counter_dict.keys()) #get presynaptic indexes
num_conn_list = list(pre_counter_dict.values()) #get number of connections for each presynaptic index

for i, point_oi in enumerate(pre_index_list):
      #Get probabilities of connections to target groups
      radius = 350
      for X_post, Y_post in zip(target_n_group.X, target_n_group.Y):
             p.append(1 * np.exp(-((neurons[point_oi].X/**2 + (neurons[point_oi].Y/**2)/(2*radius**2))) #append probabilities of connection for each neuron of target group
      post_idxs = random.choices(np.arange(target_n_group.start, target_n_group.stop), weights=p, k = num_conn[i]) #select a specific number of indices from target neuron population based on probabilities

syn.connect(i = pre_index, j = post_index) #connect synapses
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Can you give a minimal running example that we can try to optimize together? The “best” solution will probably depend on the number of neurons, etc.


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Hi Sebastian,

Thanks so much for your response. Here is a script that runs with a total of ~1200 neurons and takes slightly over an hour to run. I am aiming to be able to run it with a total of ~40000 neurons. (8.5 KB)


I’m going through the code. Quick question, why can’t you follow Example: spatial_connections — Brian 2 documentation?



I wanted to be able to specify the exact number of connections so that’s why I’m generating the indexes.


Hi Lysea!

Alright, let me see what we can do under this requirement.



This seems like less of a Brian issue, and more just a question of generating samples from a probability mass function efficiently right?

I would start with checking whether the for loop to build the PMF p or the random.choices is the bottleneck. My hunch is there are faster ways to build p and that’s the bottleneck. But either way this should help focus debugging efforts in the right place!

promising results so far by computing the distances between neurons in one vector / matrix operation rather than a for loop.
This is 1,200 presynaptic neurons (black), 10,000 postsynaptic neurons (shown in blue, but only plotting neurons with a connection for speed of plotting), 10 connections drawn from each presynaptic neuron.

Looks like the matrix version is about 100x faster than a for loop

1.2k by 40k (for loop takes 241 seconds, broadcasting takes only 2.5 seconds)

1.2e+03 presynaptic, 4.0e+04 postsynaptic neurons
 each pre neuron has 10 connections, for 1.2e+04 total connections
broadcast distance calcs took
 2.57 seconds

for-loop distance calcs took:
 241 seconds 

choosing connections took: 
 3.05 seconds

10k by 10k:

1.0e+04 presynaptic, 1.0e+04 postsynaptic neurons
 each pre neuron has 10 connections, for 1.0e+05 total connections
broadcast distance calcs took
 5.64 seconds

choosing connections took: 
 6.61 seconds


10k by 40k: only a couple of minutes!

1.0e+04 presynaptic, 4.0e+04 postsynaptic neurons
 each pre neuron has 10 connections, for 1.0e+05 total connections
broadcast distance calcs took
 63.1 seconds

choosing connections took: 
 28.9 seconds


The core computation of distances is done with:

#compute the difference in position by broadcasting 
# in theory this should be doable with something like:
# np.subtract.outer(), but I couldn't get it to works
diffs = xy_post - xy_pre[:,None] # N_pre x N_post x 2

# (x0-x1)^2 + (y0-y1)^2 
dists = np.linalg.norm(diffs,axis=2)**2 # N_pre x N_post

# exp( - dist / 2sigma^2 )
gauss_fn = lambda d,sigma=SIGMA: np.exp(-d / 2*sigma**2)
probs = gauss_fn(dists)


and then connections are chosen essentially the same way you proposed:

post_idx = [[]]*N_pre
for i,row in enumerate(probs):
    post_idx[i] = random.choices(range(N_post),weights=row,k=each_num_connect[i])

Notably, while this seems to be much faster than a for loop, it creates this intermediate diffs matrix which is N_pre x N_post x 2 and dists,probs which are N_pre x N_post. Your previous approach only uses 1 x N_post at a time to represent the probabilities, which should use mean less memory usage at any one point in time. 40,000 x 40,000 might be larger than what you want to store in memory at any one point in time, so you could instead use the same idea of computing all the probabilities using vector / matrix operations, but for a single presynaptic neuron. This would be like a hybrid of the for loop and broadcasting approaches (with speed and memory usage somewhere between the two).

here’s the entire script:

click for script
import numpy as np
import time 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random

do_plot_some = True
do_plot_all = False
do_calc_for_loop = True # set to false for large N_pre, otherwise will take 100x as much time as without
do_save_figs = False 

w = 100

N_pre = 1200
N_post = 40000

SIGMA = 1.0
N_conn_per_pre = 10
each_num_connect = (np.ones(N_pre)*N_conn_per_pre).astype(int)

# Create a grid of coordinates
# like: target_n_group.X, target_n_group.Y

x_pre = np.random.normal(0,1,N_pre)
y_pre = np.random.normal(0,1,N_pre)
xy_pre = np.array(list(zip(x_pre,y_pre)))

x_post = np.random.normal(AVG_DIST,1,N_post)
y_post = np.random.normal(0,1,N_post)
xy_post = np.array(list(zip(x_post,y_post)))

if do_plot_some or do_plot_all:
    fig,ax = plt.subplots()

Compute gaussian distances with broadcasted vector / matrix operations
a = xy_pre[0]
b = xy_post[0]

dist_fn = lambda A,B: np.linalg.norm(A-B)**2
gauss_fn = lambda d,sigma=SIGMA: np.exp(-d / 2*sigma**2)

start_broad =time.time()
#compute the difference in position by broadcasting 
# in theory this should be doable with something like:
# np.subtract.outer(), but I couldn't get it to works
diffs = xy_post - xy_pre[:,None] # N_pre x N_post x 2
# (x0-x1)^2 + (y0-y1)^2 
dists = np.linalg.norm(diffs,axis=2)**2 # N_pre x N_post
# exp( - dist / 2sigma^2 )
probs = gauss_fn(dists)

stop_broad =time.time()

print(f'broadcast distance calcs took\n {stop_broad-start_broad:.2e} seconds')
# %%
# Check dists computation against another method

Compute gaussian distances with for-loop
if do_calc_for_loop:
    dists2 = np.zeros((N_pre,N_post))

    start_for = time.time()
    for i,A in enumerate(xy_pre):
        for j,B in enumerate(xy_post):
            dists2[i,j] = dist_fn(A,B)
    probs2 = gauss_fn(dists2)
    stop_for = time.time()
    print(f'for-loop distance calcs took\n {stop_for-start_for:.2e} seconds')

if do_plot_all:
    # ax[1].imshow(dists2)
    # fig.suptitle('from')
    ax[1].set_xlabel('post index')
    ax[1].set_ylabel('pre index')
    ax[0].set_ylabel('pre index')

    if do_save_figs: plt.savefig(f'dist_prob_{N_pre}_by_{N_post}.png')
# max(dists.flatten())

    # fig,ax = plt.subplots()
    # ax.plot(dists.flatten(),gauss_fn(dists.flatten()), 'k.')
    # ax.set_xlabel('squared distance')
    # ax.set_ylabel('probability: gaussian(sqr dist)')
    # fig


post_idx = [[]]*N_pre
for i,row in enumerate(probs):
    post_idx[i] = random.choices(range(N_post),weights=row,k=each_num_connect[i])
print(f'choosing connections took: \n {stop_choose-start_choose:.2e} seconds')

if do_plot_some or do_plot_all:
    # Plot pre-synaptic neurons
    for i in range(N_pre):
        for j in post_idx[i]:

            #NOTE: if N_post is big, only plot markers for connection targets    

    if do_plot_all:
        # Plot post-synaptic neurons

    if do_save_figs: plt.savefig(f'connections_{N_pre}_by_{N_post}.png')


# Print summary report
print(f'{N_pre:.1e} presynaptic, {N_post:.1e} postsynaptic neurons')
print(f' each pre neuron has {N_conn_per_pre} connections, for {N_conn_per_pre*N_pre:.1e} total connections')
print(f'broadcast distance calcs took\n {stop_broad-start_broad:.2e} seconds\n')
print(f'for-loop distance calcs took\n {stop_for-start_for:.2e} seconds\n')
print(f'choosing connections took: \n {stop_choose-start_choose:.2e} seconds\n')

I use Hydrogen in a similar way to a jupyter notebook, where #%% denotes a new cell, but this is also runnable as a regular python script.


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The culprit is the access to the pre-positions. If we access them only once, instead of repeatedly in the loop like below, I get a speed-up of 10x.

    X = neurons[point_oi].X/
    Y = neurons[point_oi].Y/

    for X_post, Y_post in zip(n_groups[list(n_dict.keys()).index(tgt)].X, n_groups[list(n_dict.keys()).index(tgt)].Y):
        p.append(1 * np.exp(-((X-X_post/**2 + (Y-Y_post/**2)/(2*radius**2)))



Edit: @adam is of course also correct. numpy broadcasting should always be used as much as possible.

Edit 2: GitHub - rkern/line_profiler: (OLD REPO) Line-by-line profiling for Python - Current repo -> is nice.


Wow thanks so much! Really appreciate it this is incredibly helpful.

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Thanks so much Sebastian, appreciate your help!

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