Device building into different folder? for parallelizing using both joblib/mpi4py and openmpi

Description of problem

Good day everyone. This might be quite silly to do, but is there a way to create multiple output folders for creating parallel bits in multiple using The reason for doing it would be : I want to parallelize a long time code first using brian2’s standalone and again using mpi4py on a cluster.

PS: I do not understand parallelization that well. Do let me know if it is a really bad idea.

Minimal code to reproduce problem

any general purpose brian2 code 

What you have already tried

Not much.

Expected output (if relevant)

Actual output (if relevant)

Full traceback of error (if relevant)

Hi @Jeevan_codes8580. You can set the directory argument of call to choose a different output folder. If you want to compile the code only once, you can also share a code folder and only use a separate folder for the results by setting results_directory. The details depend a bit on whether you want to run the exact same simulation several times (for different instantiations of randomness), or whether you want to run it with different parameters. This page in the documentation should give you a few pointers: Computational methods and efficiency — Brian 2 2.7.1 documentation

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thanks really. I think I needed the section. : ** Running multiple simulations with different parameters[](Computational methods and efficiency — Brian 2 2.7.1 documentation)** . Sorry I should have gone through the documentation properly

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