I wanna make simulation about external hyperpolarization current.
Main intention for this code is making hyperpolarization current on subpopulation of inhibitory neurons.
Minimal code to reproduce problem
from brian2 import *
import numpy as np
import random
import math
import multiprocessing
import time
'''inhibitory neuron'''
Cm = 1 * uF # /cm**2
EL = -65 * mV
ENa = 55 * mV
EK = -90 * mV
gNa = 100 * msiemens
gK = 40 * msiemens
'''synapse decay time constant'''
t_ampa = 2 * ms
t_gaba = 4 * ms
t_gaba_sst = 12 * ms
t_gaba_ngfc = 20 * ms
eqs = '''
dv/dt = (-gNa*m**3*h*(v-ENa) -gK*n**4*(v-EK) -gL*(v-EL) - gKZ*z*(v-EK)- I_ext) / Cm : volt
I_ext = g_ampa*(v-V_AMPA) + g_gaba*(v-V_GABA) + g_gaba_sst*(v-V_GABA) + I_photo: amp
dg_ampa/dt = -g_ampa/ t_ampa : siemens
dg_gaba/dt = -g_gaba/ t_gaba : siemens
dg_gaba_sst/dt = -g_gaba_sst/ t_gaba_sst : siemens
dg_gaba_ngfc/dt = -g_gaba_ngfc/ t_gaba_ngfc : siemens
m = alpham/(alpham+betam) : 1
alpham = -0.1/mV*(v+30*mV)/(exp(-0.1/mV*(v+30*mV))-1)/ms : Hz
betam = 4*exp(-(v+55*mV)/(18*mV))/ms : Hz
dh/dt = 0.2*(alphah*(1-h)-betah*h) : 1
alphah = 0.7*exp(-(v+44*mV)/(20*mV))/ms : Hz
betah = 10/(exp(-0.1/mV*(v+28*mV))+1)/ms : Hz
dn/dt = 0.2*(alphan*(1-n)-betan*n) : 1
alphan = -0.1/mV*(v+34*mV)/(exp(-0.1/mV*(v+34*mV))-1)/ms : Hz
betan = 1.25*exp(-(v+44*mV)/(80*mV))/ms : Hz
dz/dt = (z_inf - z)/(60*ms) : 1
z_inf = 1/(1+exp(-0.7*((v/(1 * mV) + 30)))) : 1
L_4_i = NeuronGroup(150, eqs, threshold='v>-48.8*mV', refractory='v>-48.8*mV', method='rk4')
L_4_i.namespace['gL'] = 0.1 * msiemens
L_4_i.namespace['gKZ'] = 0 * msiemens
for i in range(150):
if(i < 150 * trans_ratio):
L_4_i.namespace['I_photo'][i]= (-3.0 + 2.0 * random.random()) * 10**(-3) * mA
L_4_i.namespace['I_photo'][i]= 0 *10**(-3) * mA
L_4_i.v = EL
L_4_i.h = 1
''' excitatory neuron '''
L_4_e = NeuronGroup(1600, eqs, threshold='v>-39.7*mV', refractory='v>-39.7*mV', method='rk4')
L_4_e.namespace['gL'] = 0.1 * msiemens
L_4_e.namespace['gKZ'] = 0.5 * msiemens
L_4_e.v = EL
L_4_e.h = 1
The error occurs :
ERROR Brian 2 encountered an unexpected error. If you think this is a bug in Brian 2, please report this issue either to the discourse forum at <http://brian.discourse.group/>, or to the issue tracker at <https://github.com/brian-team/brian2/issues>. Please include this file with debug information in your report: C:\Users\omokn\AppData\Local\Temp\brian_debug_98mx2ghb.log Additionally, you can also include a copy of the script that was run, available at: C:\Users\omokn\AppData\Local\Temp\brian_script_kkqmaob1.py Thanks! [brian2]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\omokn\OneDrive\바탕 화면\project\exp_trash.py", line 57, in <module>
L_4_i.namespace['I_photo'][i]= (-3.0 + 2.0 * random.random()) * 10**(-3) * mA
KeyError: 'I_photo'
I think I make several mistakes on handling namespace of neuron population. How can I fix these problem?