Description of problem
The goal of my project is to use Oger Extended Toolkit (GitHub - tilemmpon/Extended-OGER: Enriching ORGANIC Reservoir Computing Engine (Oger) with new models of the ESN state of the art) to realize a time-series prediction. I want to use BrianIFReservoirNode as network layer. Originally, the implementation was written using Brian1, and I have adjusted it to use Brian2. After running into multiple small issues and adjusting the code, now I am stuck with the following error:
RuntimeError: neurongroup has already been simulated, cannot add it to the network. If you were trying to remove and add an object to temporarily stop it from being run, set its active flag to False instead.
This is raised when I am trying to test the network on my test set. Before that, network is trained with success. I tried to use store/restore between processes, but the error is still there and I`m not sure how to deal with it.
Minimal code to reproduce problem
My source code is the following:
First, the BrianIFReservoirNode class (ignore the hardcoded values, because first I just need to make it run):
class BrianIFReservoirNode(mdp.Node):
def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, dtype, input_scaling=100, input_conn_frac=.5, dt=1, we_scaling=2, wi_scaling=.5, we_sparseness=.1, wi_sparseness=.1): super(BrianIFReservoirNode, self).__init__(input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, dtype=dtype) self.taum = 20 * self.taue = 5 * self.taui = 10 * self.Vt = 15 * brian.mV self.Vr = 0 * brian.mV self.frac_e = .75 self.input_scaling = input_scaling self.input_conn_frac = input_conn_frac self.dt = dt * self.we_scaling = we_scaling self.wi_scaling = wi_scaling self.we_sparseness = we_sparseness self.wi_sparseness = wi_sparseness self.eqs = brian.Equations('''dV/dt = (I-V+ge-gi)/taum : volt dge/dt = -ge/taue : volt dgi/dt = -gi/taui : volt I = I_recorded: volt''',taum = self.taum, taue = self.taue, taui = self.taui) th = 'V > ' + str(self.Vt) rst = 'V = ' + str(self.Vr) th = 'V > 15*mV' rst = 'V = 0*mV' self.G = brian.NeuronGroup(N=output_dim, model=self.eqs, threshold=th, reset=rst,method='euler') #self.Ge = self.G.subgroup(int(scipy.floor(output_dim * self.frac_e))) # Excitatory neurons #self.Gi = self.G.subgroup(int(scipy.floor(output_dim * (1 - self.frac_e)))) self.Ge = self.G[:int(scipy.floor(output_dim * self.frac_e))] self.Gi = self.G[int(scipy.floor(output_dim * (1-self.frac_e))):] #self.internal_conn = brian.Connection(self.G, self.G) self.we = self.we_scaling * scipy.random.rand(len(self.Ge), len(self.G)) * brian.nS self.wi = self.wi_scaling * scipy.random.rand(len(self.Gi), len(self.G)) * brian.nS self.internal_conn = brian.Synapses(self.G,self.G, 'w : siemens', on_pre='ge += w') self.internal_conn.connect() #self.internal_conn.w = 1 * brian.nS #self.Ce = brian.Connection(self.Ge, self.G, 'ge', sparseness=self.we_sparseness, weight=self.we) #self.Ci = brian.Connection(self.Gi, self.G, 'gi', sparseness=self.wi_sparseness, weight=self.wi) self.Ce = brian.Synapses(self.Ge,self.G,'w : siemens',on_pre='ge += w') srcCe,trgCe = self.we.nonzero() self.Ce.connect(p=self.we_sparseness,i=srcCe,j=trgCe) #self.Ce.w = 1 * brian.nS #TODO: add weights self.Ci = brian.Synapses(self.Gi,self.G,'w : siemens',on_pre = 'gi += w') srcCi,trgCi = self.we.nonzero() self.Ci.connect(p = self.wi_sparseness,i=srcCi,j=trgCi) #self.Ci.w = 1 * brian.nS #TODO: add weights #self.internal_conn.connect(self.G, self.G, self.w_res) #dt_obj = 10 * self.Mv = brian.StateMonitor(self.G, 'V', record=True) self.Ms = brian.SpikeMonitor(self.G, record=True) self.w_in = self.input_scaling * (scipy.random.rand(self.output_dim, self.input_dim)) * (scipy.random.rand(self.output_dim, self.input_dim) < self.input_conn_frac) #I_recorded = brian.TimedArray(100 *, self.w_in.T) * brian.mV, dt=1 * = brian.Network(self.G, self.Ce, self.Ci, self.Ge, self.Gi, self.Mv, self.Ms) # def is_trainable(self): return False def is_invertible(self): return False def _get_supported_dtypes(self): return ['float32', 'float64'] def _execute(self, x): #self.G.I = brian.TimedArray(10000 * x * brian.mV, dt=1 * #I_recorded = brian.TimedArray(10000 * x * brian.mV, dt=1 * I_recorded = 100 * brian.mV #I_recorded = brian.TimedArray(100 *, self.w_in.T) * brian.mV, dt=1 * #self.G.I = brian.TimedArray(100 *, self.w_in.T) * brian.mV, dt=1 * = brian.Network(self.G, self.Mv, self.Ms)"")[0] + 1) * return self.Mv.V[:, 0:x.shape[0]].T
The main function:
import mdp
import Oger.nodes.spiking_nodes as lsmreadout = RidgeRegressionNode(0.001) reservoir = lsm.BrianIFReservoirNode(input_dim, output_dim=res_size, input_conn_frac=.5, input_scaling=100, dt=1, dtype=float, we_scaling=1, wi_scaling=1, we_sparseness=.05, wi_sparseness=.1) mnnode = Oger.nodes.MeanAcrossTimeNode() flow = mdp.Flow([reservoir, readout, mnnode], verbose=1) #flow = fl([reservoir, readout,mnnode],freerun_steps = 'non-teacher-forced)') #data = [None, zip(train_x,train_y),None] data = [None,zip(train_x,train_y),None] blockPrint() t0=time.time() flow.train(data) train_time = time.time() - t0 flow[0].network.restore(filename="") t0=time.time() y_hat = flow(test_x) predi_time = time.time() - t0
The error occurs at line : y_hat = flow(text_x)
What you have aready tried
So far, I have tried the followings:
- Use store after network is created and then restore after training => same error
- set active flag for neurongroup on false after training => same error
Expected output (if relevant)
The expected behavior is to pass the testing phase with success.
If someone is kind to help me, I can provide other info as well as source files if this helps
Actual output (if relevant)
Full traceback of error (if relevant)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
File “D:\kits\Anaconda\Anaconda3\envs\Oger_LSM\lib\site-packages\mdp\”, line 437, in call
return self.execute(iterable, nodenr=nodenr)
File “D:\kits\Anaconda\Anaconda3\envs\Oger_LSM\lib\site-packages\mdp\”, line 369, in execute
res.append(self._execute_seq(x, nodenr))
File “D:\kits\Anaconda\Anaconda3\envs\Oger_LSM\lib\site-packages\mdp\”, line 350, in _execute_seq
self._propagate_exception(e, i)
File “D:\kits\Anaconda\Anaconda3\envs\Oger_LSM\lib\site-packages\mdp\”, line 125, in propagate_exception
raise FlowExceptionCR(errstr, self, except)
FlowExceptionCR:! Exception in node #0 (BrianIFReservoirNode):
Node Traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “D:\kits\Anaconda\Anaconda3\envs\Oger_LSM\lib\site-packages\mdp\”, line 348, in _execute_seq
x = flow[i].execute(x)
File “”, line 1, in
File “D:\kits\Anaconda\Anaconda3\envs\Oger_LSM\lib\site-packages\mdp\”, line 647, in execute
return self._execute(self._refcast(x), *args, **kwargs)
File “D:\kits\Anaconda\Anaconda3\envs\Oger_LSM\lib\site-packages\Oger\nodes\”, line 99, in _execute = brian.Network(self.G, self.Mv, self.Ms)
File “D:\kits\Anaconda\Anaconda3\envs\Oger_LSM\lib\site-packages\brian2\core\”, line 384, in init
File “D:\kits\Anaconda\Anaconda3\envs\Oger_LSM\lib\site-packages\brian2\core\”, line 483, in add
RuntimeError: neurongroup has already been simulated, cannot add it to the network. If you were trying to remove and add an object to temporarily stop it from being run, set its active flag to False instead.
Thank you for your time!