I am working with a large network model with more than 1e6 synapses. I now want to silence neurons by setting some of those connections to zero.
I am trying this via S.w[i, :] = 0
, where S
is the Synapses()
object and i
the index for the neuron to be silenced.
However, this approach takes really long (I interrupted my code after about 1 h). Is there some more efficient way to address synaptic weights or silence a neuron?
Thanks a lot for your help 
Hi @nspiller. Just to make sure I understand correctly, what exactly is taking long – the code that sets the weights to 0, or running a simulation where many weights are 0?
Hi @mstimberg,
setting the weight to 0, exactly this line of code: S.w[i, :] = 0
Sorry, I did not write that clearly 
Ok, thanks. I guess it is not literally a single line like this, but rather many such lines, e.g. in a loop? I tried the following code with 1e6 synapses, and setting the weight to 0 for 100 neurons (i.e. 10% of all synapses):
from brian2 import *
source = NeuronGroup(1000, '')
target = NeuronGroup(1000, '')
synapses = Synapses(source, target, 'w : 1')
synapses.w = 'rand()' # Not really necessary, but makes it more realistic
for idx in range(100):
synapses.w[idx, :] = 0
It is indeed not fast, but not that slow either – it takes about 0.4s per iteration, so in total about 40s. The 2-dimensional indexing into synapses is a very general mechanism, though, and it is not optimized for special cases like using :
for one of the dimensions (we should probably do that!). Using the general “string condition” mechanism is much faster, actually, e.g. if I replace it by
for idx in range(100):
synapses.w["idx == i"] = 0
it runs in 0.5s in total! Finally, getting rid of the loop can speed up things even more, e.g. the above can be replaced by
synapses.w['i < 100'] = 0
which basically reduces the speed to that of a single iteration (~0.005s).
Hope that helps!
Hi @mstimberg,
thank you so much for the answer. Using this was sufficiently fast for my case:
synapses.w["idx == i"] = 0
A bit late, but here is an MWE and profiling for my issue:
from brian2 import NeuronGroup, Synapses
import numpy as np
from timeit import timeit
N_neu = int(1e5)
N_syn = int(1e6)
neu = NeuronGroup(N_neu, '')
syn = Synapses(neu, neu, 'w : 1')
idx_i = np.random.choice(range(N_neu), size=N_syn)
idx_j = np.random.choice(range(N_neu), size=N_syn)
syn.connect(i=idx_i, j=idx_j)
syn.w = 'rand()'
Using the string expression (100 runs):
def fun():
syn.w["0 == i"] = 0
timeit(fun, number=100)
>> 0.5920858001336455
Using numpy-like syntax (1 run):
def fun():
syn.w[0, :] = 0
timeit(fun, number=1)
>> 62.030049999943
All the best