16 February 2022 21:40
Hi serge, these previous discussions may be relevant to you
Hello Brian2 users,
In order to learn Brian2 and build more efficient Spiking Neuron models, I would like to work on implementing simple neuron models used for pattern recognition from research papers. This would benefit both the engineering aspect of coding and modelling and the research aspect of reading the literature.
I would like to propose this paper to implement using Brian2 which looks simple (hopefully) to begin with:
Pattern recognition with Spiking Neural Networks
Brief details fr…
Good afternoon, all Brian users
I am reading this paper “Unsupervised learning of digit recognition using spike-timing-dependent plasticity” ( ). I have several questions regarding this article.
Is there any Brian2 implementation of STDP rules together with lateral inhibition and homeostasis?
or just an example of STDP with lateral inhibition?
As far as I understood, in this work “adaptive spiking threshold” has been used …
as well as the following repos
sdpenguin / Brian2STDPMNIST
MNIST spiking neural network
from the documentation, you may be interested in the example at the end of this page :
although notably it replays “1D slices” of one image out over time i believe