Description of problem
From my understanding of some neuron models like the Izhikevich model, the spike is supposed to be emitted when the potential threshold “v_th” is reached, causing at the same time the reset of its variables.
But I just realized recently that when simulating the Izhikevich neuron model in Brian, the spike is emitted 1 timestep before the reset of its variables (i.e before the threshold is reached). I might be wrong, but I don’t see where …
Minimal code to reproduce problem
Here is my Brian codes to simulate the Izhikevich model (without units). I’m printing on the terminal the variables “v”, “u” and the eventual emitted “spike” each time step.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from brian2 import *
duration = 0.03*second # simulation time to observe the first spike
defaultclock.dt = 1*ms # time step dt
# IZH parameters
I_exc = 7.0
a = 0.02
b = 0.2
c = -65.0
d = 8.0
v_th = 30.0
v_init = c
u_init = b*c
time_refractory = 0.0*ms
# IZH equations
eqs_IZH = '''
dv/dt = (0.04*v**2 + 5*v + 140 - u + I_exc)/ms : 1
du/dt = a*(b*v - u)/ms : 1
reset = '''
v = c
u += d
NG = NeuronGroup(1, eqs_IZH, threshold='v>v_th', reset=reset, refractory=time_refractory, method="euler")
NG.v = v_init
NG.u = u_init
s_mon = SpikeMonitor(NG)
v_mon = StateMonitor(NG, variables = True, record = True)
# DEBUG : printing variables "v", "u" and emitted "spike" for each timestep
time_spike = 0
print ('////////////////////////////////////////////////////')
print("t \t\t v \t\t u \t\t spike")
for i in range(0,int(s_mon.t[0]/defaultclock.dt)+3): # print until the 1st spike + 2 timesteps after
if (i == int(s_mon.t[time_spike]/defaultclock.dt)):
print("%2.6f \t %2.6f \t %2.6f \t 1 <-----" % (v_mon.t[i], v_mon.v[0][i], v_mon.u[0][i]))
if (time_spike != size(s_mon.t)-1):
time_spike = time_spike + 1
else :
print("%2.6f \t %2.6f \t %2.6f \t 0" % (v_mon.t[i], v_mon.v[0][i], v_mon.u[0][i]))
print ('///////////////////////////////////////////////////')
Expected output
This is where I expected the emitted spike to be, i.e when the variables reset is done.
t v u spike
0.000000 -65.000000 -13.000000 0
0.001000 -61.000000 -13.000000 0
0.002000 -57.160000 -12.984000 0
0.003000 -52.285376 -12.952960 0
0.004000 -44.408874 -12.903042 0
0.005000 -27.664279 -12.822617 0
0.006000 24.449437 -12.676822 0
0.007000 -65.000000 -4.325488 1 <----- when threshold reached and varialbes are reset
0.008000 -69.674512 -4.498978 0
Actual output
But I get this instead :
t v u spike
0.000000 -65.000000 -13.000000 0
0.001000 -61.000000 -13.000000 0
0.002000 -57.160000 -12.984000 0
0.003000 -52.285376 -12.952960 0
0.004000 -44.408874 -12.903042 0
0.005000 -27.664279 -12.822617 0
0.006000 24.449437 -12.676822 1 <----- threshold not reached here ... right ?
0.007000 -65.000000 -4.325488 0
0.008000 -69.674512 -4.498978 0
Am I wrong in my codes or maybe my understanding of the Izhikevich model ?
Thanks for your help,
Best regards,