Consider we have two population of neurons, labeled by “i” and “e”.
We can have 4 synapse object. {ii, ee, ie, ei}
to connect them to each other or themselves.
membrane_Im = I_ext + gNa*m_inf**3*h*(ENa-vm) + \
gl*(El-vm) + gK*n**4*(EK-vm) +gSyn*s_in*(ESyn-vm): amp
s_in : 1
ds/dt = 0.5 * (1 + tanh(0.1*vm/mV)) * (1-s)/tau_r - s/tau_d : 1
S_ei = b2.Synapses(neuron_e,
neuron_i, '''
w : 1
s_in_post = w*s_pre:1 (summed)
S_ei.connect('i != j', p=p_ei)
S_ei.w = weight_ei
# --------------------------------------------------------------#
S_ie = b2.Synapses(neuron_i, neuron_e, '''
w : 1
s_in_post = w*s_pre:1 (summed)
''' )
S_ie.connect('i != j', p=p_ie)
S_ie.w = weight_ie
# --------------------------------------------------------------#
S_ii = b2.Synapses(neuron_i, neuron_i, '''
w : 1
s_in_post = w*s_pre:1 (summed)
''' )
S_ii.connect('i != j', p=p_ii)
S_ii.w = weight_ii
If we add the S_ii
to the simulation we get the following error:
NotImplementedError: Multiple "summed variables"
target the variable "s_in" in group "neurongroup_1".
Use multiple variables in the target group instead.
suggest to use multiple variable in
in the target group,
but I don’t know how?