NaN warnings appeared in the subexpression of SpatialNeuron

Description of problem
Hi everyone. I’m working with Brian2.7 and studying the example hh_with_spikes , and trying to change the Cm of the neuron from a constant to a subexpression. The subexpression contains a square root operation. However, when running the code, the variables raised NaN warnings just like below. I think it may be the problem with the SQRT operation, since I also tried other simple subexpressions and they successfully worked. I wonder what the reason is and whether this issue can be avoided.

Minimal code to reproduce problem

from brian2 import *
from scipy import stats

defaultclock.dt = 0.01*ms

morpho = Cylinder(length=10*cm, diameter=2*238*um, n=1000, type='axon')

El = 10.613*mV
ENa = 115*mV
EK = -12*mV
gl = 0.3*msiemens/cm**2
gNa0 = 120*msiemens/cm**2
gK = 36*msiemens/cm**2
# Typical equations
eqs = '''
Im = gl * (El-v) + gNa * m**3 * h * (ENa-v) + gK * n**4 * (EK-v) : amp/meter**2
I : amp (point current) # applied current
dm/dt = alpham * (1-m) - betam * m : 1
dn/dt = alphan * (1-n) - betan * n : 1
dh/dt = alphah * (1-h) - betah * h : 1
alpham = (0.1/mV) * 10*mV/exprel((-v+25*mV)/(10*mV))/ms : Hz
betam = 4 * exp(-v/(18*mV))/ms : Hz
alphah = 0.07 * exp(-v/(20*mV))/ms : Hz
betah = 1/(exp((-v+30*mV) / (10*mV)) + 1)/ms : Hz
alphan = (0.01/mV) * 10*mV/exprel((-v+10*mV)/(10*mV))/ms : Hz
betan = 0.125*exp(-v/(80*mV))/ms : Hz
gNa : siemens/meter**2

# strain evolution, the membraine capacitance Cm is related to it
ema = (ema0-eDa0)*exp(-t/taufu) + eDa0 : 1
ema0 : 1
eDa0 : 1
taufu : second

neuron = SpatialNeuron(morphology=morpho, model=eqs, method="exponential_euler",
                       refractory="m > 0.4", threshold="m > 0.5",
                       Cm="1*uF/cm**2*sqrt(1+ema)", Ri=35.4*ohm*cm) #Cm is related to ema
neuron.v = 0*mV
neuron.h = 1
neuron.m = 0
neuron.n = .5
neuron.I = 0*amp
neuron.gNa = gNa0
#initialize strain parameters
neuron.taufu = 111.5*second
neuron.ema0 = 0.05
neuron.eDa0 = 0
M = StateMonitor(neuron, ['v','ema'], record=True)

run(50*ms, report='text')
neuron.I[0] = 1*uA # current injection at one end
neuron.I = 0*amp
run(50*ms, report='text')

for i in range(10):
    plot(M.t/ms, M.v.T[:, i*100]/mV)
plot(M.t/ms, M.ema[0])
xlabel('Time (ms)')

What you have aready tried
Tried other simple subexpressions such as Cm = 2* 1* uF/cm** 2, and it worked.

Expected output (if relevant)
The variables in the eqs should be normally calculated , since the ema in the square root is positive.

Actual output (if relevant)
NaN warnings like below. Electrical variables such as v is not available.

Full traceback of error (if relevant)

Starting simulation at t=0. s for a duration of 50. ms
WARNING    spatialneuron's variable 'm' has NaN, very large values, or encountered an error in numerical integration. This is usually a sign that an unstable or invalid integration method was chosen. []
WARNING    spatialneuron's variable 'h' has NaN, very large values, or encountered an error in numerical integration. This is usually a sign that an unstable or invalid integration method was chosen. []
WARNING    spatialneuron's variable 'n' has NaN, very large values, or encountered an error in numerical integration. This is usually a sign that an unstable or invalid integration method was chosen. []
50. ms (100%) simulated in < 1s
Starting simulation at t=53. ms for a duration of 50. ms
50. ms (100%) simulated in < 1s

Shall I wirte another individual eqs object for Cm? I would really appreciate it if someone could help .
And if I asked a bad question, please let me know.:sweat_smile:

Hi @czx. Apologies for the late reply, I completely overlooked this question (I was away for all of August).

Unfortunately, Brian does not actually support defining Cm by a subexpression! When you provide an expression for Cm, this expression will only be used to initialize Cm, i.e. as if you’d have written

neuron = SpatialNeuron(...)
neuron.Cm = "1*uF/cm**2*sqrt(1+ema)"

Evaluating ema before taufu has been set to a non-zero value will lead to NaN, so Cm will be set to NaN… You could set it after defining the other parameters to avoid the NaN, but it would not change over time.

I don’t see any easy solution to this for now, Brian’s framework is built for a constant Cm (potentially varying over compartments) – some terms necessary for updating v at each time step are pre-calculated in the very beginning of the simulation, and some of these terms refer to Cm

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Hi @mstimberg
That’s all right. Thanks for your kind reply. I will check whether it is necessary to provide an expression for Cm. Since the simulation time is relatively short, and it may not lead to an obvious change.