Specifying refractory time for 2 groups of neurons(exc and inh) in only one neuronGroup class setting?

Hi all,

consider this code : my excitatory and inhibitory neurons have the same neuron model and the only difference between them is their refractory time .

neurons = NeuronGroup(N_e + N_i, model=neuron_eqs,
threshold=‘v>V_th’, reset=‘v=V_r’, refractory=‘???’, method=‘euler’)
exc_neurons = neurons[:N_e]
inh_neurons = neurons[N_e:]

Is there a way to define refractory time for 2 groups of neurons(exc and inh) using one neuronGroup class?

Hi @Rihana . The refractoriness period can be a parameter of your group, as described in the documentation. If you add refractory_period : second (constant) to your equations, you can then use refractory='refractory_period' in your NeuronGroup definition. After defining your subgroups, you can then set exc_neurons.refractory_period = ... and inh_neurons.refractory_period = ....