User-defined C++ function to work with brian2cuda


I have this C++ function that I have been using on my standalone mode simulations. Is there an easy way to slightly change it and use it with brian2cuda? I was hoping that it could be as simple as adding __host__ __device__ (like in this example), but apparently it is not. I have limited experience with GPUs so I don’t think I would be able to convert my function to a CUDA implementation.


Hi Pablo,

it depends on your function. Can you give me a minimal example? And post what error message you are getting?

I can also assist you in writing a CUDA version of your function.


In principle you can add functions with the same mechanism as for C++ standalone, similar to the example you showed above. In user code you would probably use the @implementation decorator as shown here, but for the cuda device instead of cpp device. Sometimes a __host__ _device__ in front of your C++ functions is enough for the CUDA implementation, but that depends on what you are trying to achieve.

Hi Denis,

Thanks! I appreciate any help you can give me.

The function is a little bit unusual. It performs a multiplication between two 8-bit floating-point numbers. Nothing complicated, really, basically a bunch of bitwise operations. It also performs stochastic rounding (as an alternative to e.g. round to nearest), so it needs a rand function.

The MWE below does not make a lot of sense but conveys the main idea: the function fp8_value = fp8_multiply_stochastic(55, t/ms) : 1 receives integer numbers, treats them as floating-point values, and returns the product. It works with cpp but not with cuda.

from brian2 import *

import brian2cuda

# Works with cpp

def fp8_multiply_stochastic(num1, num2, _vectorisation_idx):
    # Not implemented
    return 0
fp8_multiply_stochastic = Function(fp8_multiply_stochastic, arg_units=[1, 1],
    return_unit=1, auto_vectorise=True)
cpp_code = """
int fp8_multiply_stochastic(int num1, int num2, int _vectorisation_idx){
    unsigned char sign1, exp1, abs_val1, sign2, exp2, abs_val2, smaller_factor;
    unsigned char int_repr1_abs, int_repr2_abs, aux_int_repr, carry;
    unsigned char num_leading_zero1=0, num_leading_zero2=0;
    unsigned char result, result_sign, result_exp, trunc_result, result_abs;
    unsigned char discarded_bits, lfsr, round_factor;
    bool is_normal1, is_normal2;

    const unsigned char EXP_WIDTH = 4;
    const unsigned char FRAC_WIDTH = 3;
    const unsigned char FRAC_MASK = (1<<FRAC_WIDTH) - 1;
    const unsigned char SIGN_WIDTH = 1;
    const unsigned char N_BITS = SIGN_WIDTH + EXP_WIDTH + FRAC_WIDTH;
    const unsigned char BIAS = 7;
    const unsigned char GUARD_WIDTH = 3;
    const unsigned char REPR_MASK =  (1<<N_BITS) - 1;
    // Smallest normal: 2^-(-BIAS+1)
    // Smallest subnormal: 2^(-BIAS+1)/2^(FRAC_WIDTH-1)
    // Biased representation of exponents, i.e. what is actually stored in hardware
    const char EMIN = 0;

    // Code to extract relevant fields of the bitstring
    sign1 = num1 >> (EXP_WIDTH+FRAC_WIDTH);
    abs_val1 = num1 & 0x7F;
    exp1 = abs_val1 >> FRAC_WIDTH;
    is_normal1 = abs_val1 >= (1 << FRAC_WIDTH);

    // Code to extract relevant fields of the bitstring
    sign2 = num2 >> (EXP_WIDTH+FRAC_WIDTH);
    abs_val2 = num2 & 0x7F;
    exp2 = abs_val2 >> FRAC_WIDTH;
    is_normal2 = abs_val2 >= (1 << FRAC_WIDTH);

    result_sign = sign1 ^ sign2;

    // Multiplication with FRAC_WIDTH+1 LSBs. In hardware, aligning after result
    // is obtained when subnormal values are involved gives us time to calculate
    // multiplication and number of leading zeros in parallel.
    int_repr1_abs = (is_normal1 << FRAC_WIDTH) | (abs_val1 & FRAC_MASK);
    int_repr2_abs = (is_normal2 << FRAC_WIDTH) | (abs_val2 & FRAC_MASK);
    // result occupies N_BITS bits in the form of cnr1r2...r6
    result = int_repr1_abs * int_repr2_abs;

    // Code to extract number of leading bits
    if (int_repr1_abs==0){
        num_leading_zero1 = N_BITS;
        aux_int_repr = int_repr1_abs;
        if(aux_int_repr<=0x0F) {aux_int_repr<<=4; num_leading_zero1+=4;}
        if(aux_int_repr<=0x3F) {aux_int_repr<<=2; num_leading_zero1+=2;}
        if(aux_int_repr<=0x7F) {aux_int_repr<<=1; num_leading_zero1+=1;}

    // Normalization of result is done after multiplication, according
    // to leading zeros of multiplicands. Note that if multiplicand is normal,
    // no need to shift result e.g. 1.000*0.001=1000 => 1000<<3 = 1.000000
    num_leading_zero1 = num_leading_zero1 - EXP_WIDTH;
    if (!is_normal1) result <<= num_leading_zero1;

    // Code to extract number of leading bits
    if (int_repr2_abs==0){
        num_leading_zero2 = N_BITS;
        aux_int_repr = int_repr2_abs;
        if(aux_int_repr<=0x0F) {aux_int_repr<<=4; num_leading_zero2+=4;}
        if(aux_int_repr<=0x3F) {aux_int_repr<<=2; num_leading_zero2+=2;}
        if(aux_int_repr<=0x7F) {aux_int_repr<<=1; num_leading_zero2+=1;}

    num_leading_zero2 = num_leading_zero2 - EXP_WIDTH;
    if (!is_normal2) result <<= num_leading_zero2;
    carry = result >> (N_BITS-1);

    // This represents biased exponent - 1. Implicit normal bit is added
    // afterwards to correctly pack the result
    result_exp = (exp1 - is_normal1 
                  + exp2 - is_normal2 
                  - num_leading_zero1 - num_leading_zero2
                  + (1 - BIAS) + carry);

    // In hardware, a slightly larger exponent range (herein 1 extra bit) to
    // handle subnormals
    if((result_exp >> (EXP_WIDTH + 1)) != 0){
        result >>= -result_exp;
        // Note that no sticky bits are computed from eliminated bits
        result_exp = EMIN;

    smaller_factor = (abs_val1 < abs_val2) ? abs_val1 : abs_val2;
    if (smaller_factor == 0) result_exp = EMIN;

    discarded_bits = (result & FRAC_MASK<<carry) >> carry;
    lfsr = floor(rand(_vectorisation_idx) * (1 << GUARD_WIDTH));

    // MSB of truncated result is included so that it is added to exponent,
    // which was calculated as the final value minus 1
    trunc_result = result >> (GUARD_WIDTH+carry);
    round_factor = (discarded_bits+lfsr) >> GUARD_WIDTH;
    trunc_result = trunc_result + round_factor;

    result_abs = (result_exp<<FRAC_WIDTH) + trunc_result;
    // Dealing with overflow. Note that sign bit is used for comparison, so no
    // extra space would be needed in hardware
    if (result_abs > (1 << (N_BITS-1)) - 1) result_abs = (1 << (N_BITS-1)) - 1;

    // Note that negative zeros are not return from operations
    if (result_abs==0) result_sign = 0;

    return (result_sign << (EXP_WIDTH+FRAC_WIDTH)) + result_abs;
cuda_code = """
__host__ __device__ int fp8_multiply_stochastic(int num1, int num2, int _vectorisation_idx){
    unsigned char sign1, exp1, abs_val1, sign2, exp2, abs_val2, smaller_factor;
    unsigned char int_repr1_abs, int_repr2_abs, aux_int_repr, carry;
    unsigned char num_leading_zero1=0, num_leading_zero2=0;
    unsigned char result, result_sign, result_exp, trunc_result, result_abs;
    unsigned char discarded_bits, lfsr, round_factor;
    bool is_normal1, is_normal2;

    const unsigned char EXP_WIDTH = 4;
    const unsigned char FRAC_WIDTH = 3;
    const unsigned char FRAC_MASK = (1<<FRAC_WIDTH) - 1;
    const unsigned char SIGN_WIDTH = 1;
    const unsigned char N_BITS = SIGN_WIDTH + EXP_WIDTH + FRAC_WIDTH;
    const unsigned char BIAS = 7;
    const unsigned char GUARD_WIDTH = 3;
    const unsigned char REPR_MASK =  (1<<N_BITS) - 1;
    // Smallest normal: 2^-(-BIAS+1)
    // Smallest subnormal: 2^(-BIAS+1)/2^(FRAC_WIDTH-1)
    // Biased representation of exponents, i.e. what is actually stored in hardware
    const char EMIN = 0;

    // Code to extract relevant fields of the bitstring
    sign1 = num1 >> (EXP_WIDTH+FRAC_WIDTH);
    abs_val1 = num1 & 0x7F;
    exp1 = abs_val1 >> FRAC_WIDTH;
    is_normal1 = abs_val1 >= (1 << FRAC_WIDTH);

    // Code to extract relevant fields of the bitstring
    sign2 = num2 >> (EXP_WIDTH+FRAC_WIDTH);
    abs_val2 = num2 & 0x7F;
    exp2 = abs_val2 >> FRAC_WIDTH;
    is_normal2 = abs_val2 >= (1 << FRAC_WIDTH);

    result_sign = sign1 ^ sign2;

    // Multiplication with FRAC_WIDTH+1 LSBs. In hardware, aligning after result
    // is obtained when subnormal values are involved gives us time to calculate
    // multiplication and number of leading zeros in parallel.
    int_repr1_abs = (is_normal1 << FRAC_WIDTH) | (abs_val1 & FRAC_MASK);
    int_repr2_abs = (is_normal2 << FRAC_WIDTH) | (abs_val2 & FRAC_MASK);
    // result occupies N_BITS bits in the form of cnr1r2...r6
    result = int_repr1_abs * int_repr2_abs;

    // Code to extract number of leading bits
    if (int_repr1_abs==0){
        num_leading_zero1 = N_BITS;
        aux_int_repr = int_repr1_abs;
        if(aux_int_repr<=0x0F) {aux_int_repr<<=4; num_leading_zero1+=4;}
        if(aux_int_repr<=0x3F) {aux_int_repr<<=2; num_leading_zero1+=2;}
        if(aux_int_repr<=0x7F) {aux_int_repr<<=1; num_leading_zero1+=1;}

    // Normalization of result is done after multiplication, according
    // to leading zeros of multiplicands. Note that if multiplicand is normal,
    // no need to shift result e.g. 1.000*0.001=1000 => 1000<<3 = 1.000000
    num_leading_zero1 = num_leading_zero1 - EXP_WIDTH;
    if (!is_normal1) result <<= num_leading_zero1;

    // Code to extract number of leading bits
    if (int_repr2_abs==0){
        num_leading_zero2 = N_BITS;
        aux_int_repr = int_repr2_abs;
        if(aux_int_repr<=0x0F) {aux_int_repr<<=4; num_leading_zero2+=4;}
        if(aux_int_repr<=0x3F) {aux_int_repr<<=2; num_leading_zero2+=2;}
        if(aux_int_repr<=0x7F) {aux_int_repr<<=1; num_leading_zero2+=1;}

    num_leading_zero2 = num_leading_zero2 - EXP_WIDTH;
    if (!is_normal2) result <<= num_leading_zero2;
    carry = result >> (N_BITS-1);

    // This represents biased exponent - 1. Implicit normal bit is added
    // afterwards to correctly pack the result
    result_exp = (exp1 - is_normal1 
                  + exp2 - is_normal2 
                  - num_leading_zero1 - num_leading_zero2
                  + (1 - BIAS) + carry);

    // In hardware, a slightly larger exponent range (herein 1 extra bit) to
    // handle subnormals
    if((result_exp >> (EXP_WIDTH + 1)) != 0){
        result >>= -result_exp;
        // Note that no sticky bits are computed from eliminated bits
        result_exp = EMIN;

    smaller_factor = (abs_val1 < abs_val2) ? abs_val1 : abs_val2;
    if (smaller_factor == 0) result_exp = EMIN;

    discarded_bits = (result & FRAC_MASK<<carry) >> carry;
    lfsr = floor(rand(_vectorisation_idx) * (1 << GUARD_WIDTH));

    // MSB of truncated result is included so that it is added to exponent,
    // which was calculated as the final value minus 1
    trunc_result = result >> (GUARD_WIDTH+carry);
    round_factor = (discarded_bits+lfsr) >> GUARD_WIDTH;
    trunc_result = trunc_result + round_factor;

    result_abs = (result_exp<<FRAC_WIDTH) + trunc_result;
    // Dealing with overflow. Note that sign bit is used for comparison, so no
    // extra space would be needed in hardware
    if (result_abs > (1 << (N_BITS-1)) - 1) result_abs = (1 << (N_BITS-1)) - 1;

    // Note that negative zeros are not return from operations
    if (result_abs==0) result_sign = 0;

    return (result_sign << (EXP_WIDTH+FRAC_WIDTH)) + result_abs;
fp8_multiply_stochastic.implementations.add_implementation('cpp', cpp_code,
    dependencies={'rand': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['rand'],
                  'floor': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['floor']})
fp8_multiply_stochastic.implementations.add_implementation('cuda', cuda_code,
    dependencies={'rand': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['rand'],
                  'floor': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['floor']})

main_eqs = """
dv/dt = (1-v)/(10*ms) : 1
fp8_value = fp8_multiply_stochastic(55, t/ms) : 1

neu = NeuronGroup(1, main_eqs, threshold='v>0.8', reset='v=0', method='exact')
mon = StateMonitor(neu, 'fp8_value', record=0)

plot(mon.t/ms, mon.fp8_value[0])

I get the following error with cuda:

INFO       CUDA installation directory detected via location of `nvcc` binary: /usr/local/cuda [brian2.devices.cuda_standalone]
INFO       Compiling device code for GPU 0 (Tesla V100-SXM2-32GB) [brian2.devices.cuda_standalone]
ERROR      Brian 2 encountered an unexpected error. If you think this is a bug in Brian 2, please report this issue either to the discourse forum at <>, or to the issue tracker at <>. Please include this file with debug information in your report: /jobfs/106996242.gadi-pbs/brian_debug_hdalyjex.log  Additionally, you can also include a copy of the script that was run, available at: /jobfs/106996242.gadi-pbs/ You can also include a copy of the redirected std stream outputs, available at '/jobfs/106996242.gadi-pbs/brian_stdout_sbullzm8.log' and '/jobfs/106996242.gadi-pbs/brian_stderr_9i2uyrbs.log'. Thanks! [brian2]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/590/pu6813/brian2-sims/", line 253, in <module>
  File "/home/590/pu6813/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/brian2/units/", line 2780, in new_f
    result = f(*args, **kwds)
  File "/home/590/pu6813/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/brian2/core/", line 407, in run
  File "/home/590/pu6813/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/brian2/core/", line 248, in run
  File "/home/590/pu6813/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/brian2/core/", line 333, in device_override_decorated_function
    return getattr(curdev, name)(*args, **kwds)
  File "/home/590/pu6813/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/brian2cuda/", line 1732, in network_run, **self.build_options)
  File "/home/590/pu6813/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/brian2cuda/", line 1456, in build
  File "/home/590/pu6813/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/brian2cuda/", line 1072, in generate_rand_source
    rand_tmp = self.code_object_class().templater.rand(None, None,
  File "/home/590/pu6813/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/brian2/codegen/", line 253, in __call__
    return MultiTemplate(module)
  File "/home/590/pu6813/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/brian2/codegen/", line 270, in __init__
    s = autoindent_postfilter(str(f()))
  File "/home/590/pu6813/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/jinja2/", line 763, in __call__
    return self._invoke(arguments, autoescape)
  File "/home/590/pu6813/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/jinja2/", line 777, in _invoke
    rv = self._func(*arguments)
  File "/home/590/pu6813/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/brian2cuda/templates/", line 99, in macro
    num_per_gen_{{type}}_{{}} = num_per_cycle_{{type}}_{{}} * {{type}}_interval_{{}};
  File "/home/590/pu6813/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/jinja2/", line 852, in _fail_with_undefined_error
    raise self._undefined_exception(self._undefined_message)
jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: 'weakref.ProxyType object' has no attribute '_N'