A way to run long simulation times faster in brian2?

Description of problem

Hello and Good day. I am trying to run a simulation for lets say 50k Hodgkin-Huxley type neurons . However, I might need to simulate the system for long times (50s in biological equivalent). Even without the synapses, the run-times are impractically large on my 16 core ubuntu system ( 3d 4h 10m) . Is there a way to parallelize the code ( on CPU or GPU to simulate all the differential eqns in different cores) or otherwise to deal with this issue ?

Minimal code to reproduce problem

#########  IMPORTS ##############
from brian2 import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

#########  Differential Eqns & constants  ##############
defaultclock.dt = 0.01*ms
gnaf = 140*nS
gnas = 12*nS
gkv = 6*nS
gka = 58.1*nS
gks = 8.11*nS
gl = 0.39*nS
Cm = 4*pF

#reversal potentials
ena = 58*mV
ek = -81*mV
el = -65*mV
eqs = '''
#dv/dt = (Iapp - gnaf*m**3*h*(v-ena) - gkv*n**4*(v-ek) - gka*ma**3*ha*(v-ek) - gks*ms**2*(v-ek) - gl*(v-el))/Cm : volt
dv/dt = (Iapp -inaf -inas -ikv -iks -ika - gl*(v- el))/Cm : volt
# #fast potassium current ka
ika = gka*mka**3*hka*(v-ek) : amp
dhka/dt = (hkainf - hka)/tau_hka : 1
tau_hka = 2.5*ms + (tau_hka0/(1 + exp(( v -(-62*mV))/(16*mV))) ): second
tau_hka0 = ( (90*ms - 2.5*ms) / (1 + exp(( v -(52*mV))/(15*mV))) ) : second
hkainf = 1/(1 + exp((v - (-74.7*mV))/(7*mV))) : 1
dmka/dt = (mkainf - mka)/tau_mka : 1
tau_mka = 0.35*ms + (tau_mka0/(1 + exp(( v -(-20*mV))/(12*mV))) ) : second
tau_mka0 = ( (1.65*ms - 0.35*ms) / (1 + exp(( v -(20*mV))/(20*mV))) ) : second
mkainf = 1/(1 + exp((-20.1*mV - v)/(16.1*mV))) : 1
#slow potassium current ks
iks = gks*mks**3*hks*(v-ek) : amp
dhks/dt = (hksinf - hks)/tau_hks : 1
tau_hks = 150*ms + ( (200*ms - 150*ms) / (1 + exp(( v -(52*mV))/(15*mV))) ) : second
hksinf = 1/(1 + exp((v - (-74.7*mV))/(7*mV))) : 1
dmks/dt = (mksinf - mks)/tau_mks : 1
tau_mks = 0.5*ms + ( (5.0*ms - 0.5*ms) / (1 + exp(( v -(20*mV))/(20*mV))) ) : second
mksinf = 1/(1 + exp((-20.1*mV - v)/(16.1*mV))) : 1
#potassium current kv
ikv = gkv*mkv**4*(v-ek) : amp
dmkv/dt = (mkvinf - mkv)/tau_mkv : 1
tau_mkv = 1.85*ms + ( (3.53*ms - 1.85*ms) / (1 + exp(( v -(45*mV))/(13.71*mV))) ) : second
mkvinf = 1/(1 + exp((-37.6*mV - v)/(27.24*mV))) : 1
#slow sodium current
inas = gnas*mnas**3*hnas*(v-ena) : amp
dhnas/dt = (hnasinf - hnas)/tau_hnas : 1
tau_hnas = 1.9*ms + ( (12.24*ms - 1.9*ms) / (1 + exp(( v -(-32.6*mV))/(8.0*mV))) ) : second
hnasinf = 1/(1 + exp((v - (-51.4*mV))/(5.9*mV))) : 1
dmnas/dt = (mnasinf - mnas)/tau_mnas : 1
tau_mnas = 0.093*ms + ( (0.83*ms - 0.093*ms) / (1 + exp(( v -(-20.3*mV))/(6.45*mV))) ) : second
mnasinf = 1/(1 + exp((-30.1*mV - v)/(6.65*mV))) : 1
#fast sodium current
inaf = gnaf*mnaf**3*hnaf*(v-ena) : amp
dhnaf/dt = (hnafinf - hnaf)/tau_hnaf : 1
tau_hnaf = 0.12*ms + ( (1.66*ms - 0.12*ms) / (1 + exp(( v -(-8.03*mV))/(8.69*mV))) ) : second
hnafinf = 1/(1 + exp((v - (-51.4*mV))/(5.9*mV))) : 1
dmnaf/dt = (mnafinf - mnaf)/tau_mnaf : 1
tau_mnaf = 0.093*ms + ( (0.83*ms - 0.093*ms) / (1 + exp(( v -(-20.3*mV))/(6.45*mV))) ) : second
mnafinf = 1/(1 + exp((-30.1*mV - v)/(6.65*mV))) : 1
#########  RUNNER  ##############
nKC = 50000
neuron = NeuronGroup(nKC, eqs, method='rk4')
neuron.v = '-80*mV*rand()*i'
neuron.hnaf = 1.0
neuron.mnaf = 0.0
neuron.hnas = 1.0
neuron.mnas = 0.0
neuron.mkv = 0.0
neuron.mks = 0.0
neuron.hks = 1.0
neuron.hka = 1.0
neuron.mka = 0.0

#record the membrane potential for all neurons
#M = StateMonitor(neuron, 'v', record=True)
#can also record the gating variables
M = StateMonitor(neuron, ['v'], record=True)
Iapp = 0*pA

run(50*ms, report='text')

Iapp = 18*pA

run(50*second, report='text')

#########  PLOTTING AND SAVING DATA  ##############
#plot all the neurons
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
for i in range(10):
    plt.plot(M.t/ms, M.v[i]/mV)

plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
plt.ylabel('v (mV)')

#save the data as .npy file
np.save('v.npy', M.v)
np.save('t.npy', M.t)
def spike_counter2(t,V,th, sparse = 100) :
    V = np.array(V)
    t = np.array(t)

    #sparse the V and t array to find the spike times
    V = V[::sparse]
    t = t[::sparse]
    ind1 = []
    for i in range(np.shape(V)[0] -1) :
        if ((V[i] - th) <= 0.0  and (V[i+1] - th) > 0.0 ) :
    arr = t[ind1]
    return arr

def rastor_plotter(nl,t,th,dpi = 100, size = (20,10), color = "black") :
    spike_times = []
    for i in range(np.shape(nl)[0]) :

    # Plot the raster plot
    figure(figsize=size, dpi=dpi)
    plt.eventplot(spike_times, lineoffsets=range(np.shape(nl)[0]), linelengths=4.0,color=color)
    plt.xlabel('Time (seconds)')
    plt.ylabel('Neuron #')
    #store the spike times
    #np.save('spike_times.npy', spike_times)
    return figure

# In[22]:

#plot the rastor plot
rastor_plotter(M.v/mV,M.t/ms,-20, dpi = 200, size = (20,10), color = "blue")

Hi @Jeevan_codes8580. Such a simulation will run quite slowly indeed – if I run your code as it is on my laptop, It announces ~30h of total runtime. The main mechanism in Brian to make code execution faster is to use Brian’s standalone mode, where it offloads the complete simulation to compiled C++ code (in contrast to its standard mode where the main simulation loop is run in Python, and small compiled objects are called for the calculation at each time step). Here are more details: Computational methods and efficiency — Brian 2 2.7.1 documentation
To use Brian’s standalone mode in your code, you’d have to add

set_device('cpp_standalone', build_on_run=False)

after the imports. The build_on_run=False is there to tell Brian that the first run statement does not yet define your simulation completely (as it assumes by default). To tell it to actually compile and run the simulation you’ll then have to add


after your second run statement. This by itself will not make the simulation significantly faster for a big network like yours, but it allows you to add the following line (somewhere between the imports and the device.build call):

prefs.devices.cpp_standalone.openmp_threads = 12

which switches on multi-threading to make use of multiple CPU coress in parallel. You can play around with the number, it depends on the number of CPUs what is optimal here. For me, on my laptop with 8 cores, it reduces the total runtime to something like 4h30m (estimated runtime, I did not actually run the simulation until the end).
In principle, you can also use brian2cuda to parallelize the simulation with your GPU, but the network might be still too small to greatly benefit from this acceleration. Have a look at the benchmarks in our paper to get an idea of what you could expect: Frontiers | Brian2CUDA: Flexible and Efficient Simulation of Spiking Neural Network Models on GPUs

Also note that the simulation time directly scales with the length of the simulation time step. E.g., if your simulation has acceptable accuracy with defaultclock.dt = 0.02*ms or 0.05*ms, your simulation would immediately run 2 or 5 times faster.

A final note: your current code is recording the membrane potential from all neurons at every time step:

M = StateMonitor(neuron, ['v'], record=True)

With a timestep of 0.01ms, this means that it records 100000 values for each neuron, every second, i.e. in total 100000 × 50000 ×50 = 250000000000 (250 billion) values. Since each value is stored as a floating point value that takes up 8 bytes, this will require around 2 TB of memory… Here are a few things you could do to reduce this:

  • do not record from all neurons: StateMonitor(..., record=...)
  • do not record at all time steps: StateMonitor(..., dt=...)
  • do not record during the complete duration, e.g. with:
run(50*ms, report='text')
Iapp = 18*pA
run(50*ms, report='text')  # run for 50ms with recording
M.active = False  # switch off recording
run(49.9*second, report='text')  # run the majority of time without recording
M.active = True  # switch recording back on
run(50*ms, report='text')  # run for 50ms with recording

you’d only record for 150ms in total (50ms without input, 50ms at the start and 50ms at the end of the period with input).

Hope that helps!

PS: I edited your post to better display the code: you can use triple backticks to wrap code fragments like this:

# Here goes the code
print("Python code")

Thank you Prof Stimberg. First of all , I’d like to say that Support for brian2 is outstanding and I already feel like I am home. Secondly, indeed parallelization does wonders while reducing the run time. For my system (16 cores 2 threads each) : setting the thread to 50 reduces simulation time by 8x. If it exists : can you suggest me a ballpark correspondence between number of cores and openmpi threads for using resources to its fullest capacity ?

Thank you for your kind words :blush:

Unfortunately, that changes with the details of the simulation (e.g… it will change again if you add synapses), so the best is usually to run a few short tests with different numbers (for increasing number of threads, time should go up quickly in the beginning, before plateauing and then going down again slowly). For your CPU, I’d say the optimum is probably somewhere between 16 and 32.

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