What’s the recommended way to run simulations in parallel? Let’s say I only want change some initial conditions and input stimuli (for which I have explicit spike times).
What’s the recommended way to run simulations in parallel? Let’s say I only want change some initial conditions and input stimuli (for which I have explicit spike times).
I have created a script that allows you to submit multiple simulations to your system and even specify the number of threads you want to reserve. I have a 12 thread cpu and here I have set it to utilize 6 of them (you can adjust this as you wish). So I can run 6 simulations in parallel, and when one of them finishes running, the next one in the row will take its place. Check this out, it’s actually quite simple:
import os
from numpy import arange
from time import time
from multiprocessing import Pool
#### Define functions #########################################################
freq_range = arange(0.5, 1.6, 0.1, dtype=float)
def sim_params():
"""Specify all combinations of simulation paramaters"""
params = []
for input_ec in [True]:
for input_ca3 in [True]:
for noise in [True, False]:
for freq_ec in freq_range*82:
for freq_ca3 in freq_range*120:
_params = ' '.join(
return params
def run_process(process):
"""os call to run a single simulation"""
os.system(f'python {process}')
def submit_processes(scriptname=None, args=None, threads=1):
to_submit = [f'{scriptname} {arg}' for arg in args]
pool = Pool(processes=threads)
pool.map(run_process, to_submit)
#### Submit jobs ##############################################################
t_start = time()
script = 'simulations.py'
cmd_params = sim_params()
n_threads = 6
print(f'NUMBER OF SIMULATIONS: {len(cmd_params)}')
print(f'MAX NUMBER OF THREADS: {n_threads}\n')
submit_processes(scriptname=script, args=cmd_params, threads=n_threads)
t_end = time()
print(f"\nOverall time: {t_end-t_start:.2f} s")
You can create your own sim_params() function according to your needs.
In the top of ‘simulations.py’ (where I have my Brian code), after the imports I have this piece of code:
params_list = []
for i in sys.argv[1:]:
var, value = i.split('=')
exec(f"{var} = {value}")
params = ' '.join(params_list)
sim_id = params.replace("*", "")
print(f"Simulation { {sim_id} } submitted.")
I have no idea if this is the optimal way but for me it works like a charm. Also in my case, I see huge performance improvement when I set:
brian2.prefs.codegen.target = 'numpy'
I hope I helped
Good luck.
I’ve found brian2/examples/multiprocessing at master · brian-team/brian2 · GitHub which gives some examples on using Python’s multiprocessing. Seems to be what I’ve been looking for.