Announcing online workshop: SNUFA2024

We are happy to announce SNUFA 2024: 5-6 November (online)–your friendly online focus meeting on spiking neural networks that compute.

Abstract submission and registration are now open!

See SNUFA 2024 | SNUFA for details.

This year’s invited speakers are Chiara Bartolozzi (IIT Genova), David Kappel (University of Bochum), Anna Levina (Uni Tübingen), and Christian Machens (Champalimaud).

Like every year, the workshop brings together computational neuroscience, machine learning, and neuromorphic engineering researchers to present their work and discuss how to translate these findings into a better understanding of neural circuits. The workshop is traditionally online. Topics include artificial and biologically plausible learning algorithms and the dissection of trained spiking circuits toward understanding neural processing. We aim to have a manageable number of talks with ample discussion time.

SNUFA 2024 is brought to you by Melika Payvand, Laurent Perrinet, Dan Goodman, and Friedemann Zenke.