Debugging Pinsky and Rinzel Cell

Description of problem
I have implemented pinsky and rinzel neuron model in Brian and I am creating a microcircuit model wherein I connect a Wang and Buzsaki interneuron model to the pyramidal cell. I have two issues that I am not able to figure out.

  1. In the individual implementation of Pinsky and Rinzel cell, I dont see spiking and bursting behavior in the same simulation by manipulating the dendritic current. Bursts are only seen when condutance (gc) is increased to 4 which is higher than the value at which we orignally should see bursts (ie at 3mS). And I am not able to figure out why that is happening.
  2. In the implementation of the circuit, my synaptic gating variable steps out of its bound (it should be between 0 and 1, it goes upto to 1.6). I am guessing that there is some issue in the way the synapse equations are written but I cannot pinpoint the origin of the issue.

Here is a ref for better understanding of my circuit model, and for Pyramidal cell model:

  1. Modulation of spike and burst rate in a minimal neuronal circuit with
    feed-forward inhibition (Fleur Zeldenrust, Wytse J. Wadman, 2012)

Minimal code to reproduce problem

Pinsky and Rinzel implementation:

#this is the edited version of the code Fleur forwarded on slack
#also the final one that seems to work - and no the orignal pinksy and rinzel paramter values - its the Fleur's version and the booth and bose version

pyr_parameters = {
    "gLs" : 0.1*mS,
    "gLd" : 0.1*mS,
    "gNa" : 30.*mS,
    "gKdr" : 15.*mS,
    "gCa" : 10.*mS,
    "gKahp" : 0.8*mS,
    "gKC" : 15.*mS,
    "VNa" : 60.0*mV,
    "VCa" : 80.0*mV,
    # "VCa" : 100.0*mV,
    "VK" : -75.0*mV,
    "VL" : -60.0*mV,
    "Vsyn" : 0.0*mV,
    "Cm" : 3.0*uF,
    "gc" : 2.1*mS,
    # "gc" : 2.1*mS, #for fig. 7: 3.0*mS, normal: 2.1*mS, for fast spiking 1.425*mS
    "pp" : 0.5,
    "Id" : -0.3*uA,
    "Is" : 0.0*uA,
    "alphac": 2.0/ms,
    "betac" : 0.1/ms,
    "betaqd": 0.001/ms, 

pyr_initialvalues = {
    'Vs' : -62.89223689*mV,
    # 'Vs' : 35.0*mV,
    # 'Vd' : 35.0*mV,
    'Vd' : -62.98248752*mV,
    # 'Vs' : 0*mV,
    # 'Vd' : 0*mV,
    'Cad' :0.21664282,
    'hs' : 0.99806345,
    'ns' :0.00068604,
    'sd' : 0.01086703,
    'cd' :0.00809387,
    'qd' : 0.0811213,

eqs_pyr = '''
#membrane potential equations
#for soma
dVs/dt=(-ILs-INa-IK_DR+(gc/pp)*(Vd-Vs)+(Is/pp))/Cm: volt

#for dendrite
dVd/dt=(-ILd-ICad-IK_ahp-IK_C+((gc/(1.0-pp))*(Vs-Vd))+Id_FN/(1.0-pp))/Cm: volt  #-Isynd/(1.0-pp)

ILs   = gLs*(Vs-VL) : amp
INa   = gNa*Minfs*Minfs*hs*(Vs-VNa) :amp
IK_DR = gKdr*ns*(Vs-VK) :amp

ILd    = gLd*(Vd-VL) :amp
ICad   = gCa*sd*sd*(Vd-VCa) :amp
IK_ahp = gKahp*qd*(Vd-VK) :amp
IK_C   = gKC*cd*chid*(Vd-VK) :amp

#calcium concentration
dCad/dt=  (-0.13*ICad/uA-0.075*Cad)/ms: 1

# soma dynamics 
dhs/dt= alphahs-(alphahs+betahs)*hs: 1 
dns/dt= alphans-(alphans+betans)*ns: 1

# dendrite dynamics
dcd/dt= alphacd-(alphacd+betacd)*cd: 1 
dqd/dt= alphaqd-(alphaqd+betaqd)*qd: 1

# calcium dynamics
dsd/dt= alphasd-(alphasd+betasd)*sd: 1

# soma state

# sodium current
alphams=  0.32*(-46.9-Vs/mV)/(exp((-46.9-Vs/mV)/4.0)-1.0)/ms: Hz
betams=  0.28*(Vs/mV+19.9)/(exp((Vs/mV+19.9)/5.0)-1.0)/ms: Hz #orignal one
# betams=  0.28*(Vs/mV+70)/(exp((Vs/mV+70)/5.0)-1.0)/ms: Hz

Minfs=    alphams/(alphams+betams): 1 

alphahs=  0.128*exp((-43.0-Vs/mV)/18.0)/ms: Hz
betahs=   4.0/(1.0+exp((-20.0-Vs/mV)/5.0))/ms: Hz

# Kdr potassium current
alphans=  0.016*(-24.9-Vs/mV)/(exp((-24.9-Vs/mV)/5.0)-1.0)/ms: Hz
betans=   0.25*exp(-1.0-0.025*Vs/mV)/ms: Hz

# dendrite state

# calcium induced potassium current
alphacd=((int(Vd/mV<=-10)*(exp(((Vd/mV+50.0)/11) - (-53.3-Vd/mV) / 27))/18.975) + (int(Vd/mV>-10)*2.0*exp((-53.5-Vd/mV)/27.0)))/ms : Hz
betacd=(int(Vd/mV<=-10)*(2.0*(exp((-53.5-Vd/mV)/27.0))-alphacd*ms))/ms : Hz

# AHP: calcium induced potassium current
alphaqd=  clip(0.00002*Cad,0.00002*Cad, 0.01)/ms: Hz
betaqd = 0.001/ms: Hz
chid= clip(Cad/250.,Cad/250. , 1. ) : 1 

# calcium current
alphasd=  (1.6/(1.0+exp(-0.072*(Vd/mV-5.0))))/ms: Hz
betasd=   (0.02*(Vd/mV+8.9)/(exp((Vd/mV+8.9)/5.0)-1.0))/ms: Hz
# betasd= (0.02*(Vd/mV+13)/(exp((Vd/mV+13)/5.0)-1.0))/ms: Hz

# Is_FN = Iapp(t) :amp
Is : amp
Id : amp
Id_FN = Iapp(t) : amp

#neuron groups
pyr_model = NeuronGroup(1, model=eqs_pyr, threshold='Minfs > 0.5', refractory=2 * ms,
                        reset=None, dt=dt,method='rk4',name='pyr',
#initial values
pyr_model.Vs = pyr_initialvalues["Vs"]
pyr_model.Vd = pyr_initialvalues["Vd"]

mon_pyr = StateMonitor(pyr_model, ['Vs','Vd','Cad','ILs',"INa",'ICad','IK_ahp','IK_C','ILd'], record=True)
I = StateMonitor(pyr_model, 'Id', record=True)


fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[12,4])

ax.plot(mon_pyr.t/ms, mon_pyr.Vs[0]/mV, label='Vs')

ax.plot(mon_pyr.t/ms, mon_pyr.Vd[0]/mV, label='Vd')

ax.set_xlabel('Time (ms)',fontsize=18)

ax.set_ylabel('Memb.Potential of Pyr (mV)',fontsize=18)

# ax1 = ax.twinx()

# ax1.plot(mon_pyr.t/ms,mon_pyr.Cad[0],c='g',label='Cad')





plt.title('Pyramidal Cell Spike (frozen noise)',fontsize=18)


Implementation of Synapses:

eqs_synapse = '''
Isyn_syn = gsyn * ssyn * (V_postsynapse - vsyn) : amp
dssyn/dt = alpha_syn * (1 - ssyn) / (1 + exp(-(V_presynapse - theta_syn) / sigma_syn)) - beta_syn * ssyn : 1 (event-driven)
alpha_syn = 1 / tau_rise : Hz 
beta_syn = 1 / tau_decay : Hz
gsyn : siemens
vsyn : volt
tau_rise : second
tau_decay : second
theta_syn : volt
sigma_syn : volt
V_postsynapse : volt
V_presynapse : volt
synapse_ff = Synapses(int_model, pyr_model, model=eqs_synapse, on_pre="Id += Isyn_syn" ,method='euler',dt=dt)
synapse_ff.connect(i=0, j=0) 
synapse_ff.gsyn = 8.0*mS
synapse_ff.vsyn = -62.0*mV
synapse_ff.tau_rise = 5.0*ms
synapse_ff.tau_decay = 20.0*ms 
synapse_ff.theta_syn = 0.0*mV
synapse_ff.sigma_syn = 1.0*mV
synapse_ff.V_postsynapse = pyr_model.Vs
synapse_ff.V_presynapse = int_model.v_int
(all equations used are mentioned in the reference mentioned above)

What you have aready tried

Expected output (if relevant)

Actual output (if relevant)

(for the pyr plots, Id = -0.3 , a value at which the cell should burst, but instead it spikes (gc = 2.1))

plot of the complete circuit in feedforward mode:

Full traceback of error (if relevant)

I was able to solve the first issue related to the behavior of the pyramidal cells. It was due to some extra brackets I had put in alphacd and betacd equations to be safe. However my issue with the synapses still persists. The synapse is basically not doing anything even though it is activated (I think). I was trying to make a conductance based synapse however even with a higher conductance it basically doesn’t do anything. I’m trying to figure that out now however if anyone has any suggestions that would be amazing.
Here is the plot for conductance gc = 8mS and there is no difference in activity as such. Please overlook the hidden states plots in the middle, it is related to a particular input I am using.

And my updated code for the synapse

eqs_synapse = '''
Isyn_syn = gsyn * ssyn * (V_postsynapse - vsyn) : amp 
dssyn/dt = (alpha_syn * (1 - ssyn)) * F - (beta_syn * ssyn) : 1 (clock-driven)
F = 1/(1+exp(-(V_presynapse-theta_syn)/sigma_syn)) : 1
alpha_syn = 1 / tau_rise : Hz 
beta_syn = 1 / tau_decay : Hz
gsyn : siemens
vsyn : volt
tau_rise : second
tau_decay : second
theta_syn : volt
sigma_syn : volt
V_postsynapse : volt
V_presynapse: volt 
synapse_ff = Synapses(int_model, pyr_model, model=eqs_synapse, on_pre='ssyn += 1', method='euler', dt=dt)

synapse_ff.connect(i=0, j=0) 
synapse_ff.gsyn = 2.0*mS 
synapse_ff.vsyn = -80.0*mV
synapse_ff.tau_rise = 1.0*ms
synapse_ff.tau_decay = 9.0*ms 
synapse_ff.theta_syn = 0.0*mV
# synapse_ff.theta_syn = -65.0*mV 
synapse_ff.sigma_syn = 1.0*mV
synapse_ff.V_postsynapse = pyr_model.Vs
synapse_ff.V_presynapse = int_model.v_int

Correct code for Pinsky and Rinzel Cell:


pyr_parameters = {
    "gLs" : 0.1*mS,
    "gLd" : 0.1*mS,
    "gNa" : 30.*mS,
    "gKdr" : 15.*mS,
    "gCa" : 10.*mS,
    "gKahp" : 0.8*mS,
    "gKC" : 15.*mS,
    "VNa" : 60.0*mV,
    "VCa" : 80.0*mV,
    "VK" : -75.0*mV,
    "VL" : -60.0*mV,
    "Cm" : 3.0*uF,
    "gc" : 2.1*mS,
    # "gc" : 2.1*mS, #for fig. 7: 3.0*mS, normal: 2.1*mS, for fast spiking 1.425*mS
    "pp" : 0.5,
    "Id" : -0.3*uA,
    "Is" : 0.0*uA,
    "alphac": 2.0/ms,
    "betac" : 0.1/ms,
    "betaqd": 0.001/ms, 

pyr_initialvalues = {
    'Vs' : -62.89223689*mV,
    'Vd' : -62.98248752*mV,
    'Cad' :0.21664282,
    'hs' : 0.99806345,
    'ns' :0.00068604,
    'sd' : 0.01086703,
    'cd' :0.00809387,
    'qd' : 0.0811213,

eqs_pyr = '''
#membrane potential equations
#for soma
dVs/dt=(-ILs-INa-IK_DR+(gc/pp)*(Vd-Vs)+(Is/pp))/Cm: volt

#for dendrite
dVd/dt=(-ILd-ICad-IK_ahp-IK_C+((gc/(1.0-pp))*(Vs-Vd))+Id/(1.0-pp))/Cm: volt  #-Isynd/(1.0-pp)

ILs   = gLs*(Vs-VL) : amp
INa   = gNa*Minfs*Minfs*hs*(Vs-VNa) :amp
IK_DR = gKdr*ns*(Vs-VK) :amp

ILd    = gLd*(Vd-VL) :amp
ICad   = gCa*sd*sd*(Vd-VCa) :amp
IK_ahp = gKahp*qd*(Vd-VK) :amp
IK_C   = gKC*cd*chid*(Vd-VK) :amp

#calcium concentration
dCad/dt=  (-0.13*ICad/uA-0.075*Cad)/ms: 1

# soma dynamics 
dhs/dt= alphahs-(alphahs+betahs)*hs: 1 
dns/dt= alphans-(alphans+betans)*ns: 1

# dendrite dynamics
dcd/dt= alphacd-(alphacd+betacd)*cd: 1 
dqd/dt= alphaqd-(alphaqd+betaqd)*qd: 1

# calcium dynamics
dsd/dt= alphasd-(alphasd+betasd)*sd: 1

# soma state

# sodium current
alphams=  0.32*(-46.9-Vs/mV)/(exp((-46.9-Vs/mV)/4.0)-1.0)/ms: Hz
betams=  0.28*(Vs/mV+19.9)/(exp((Vs/mV+19.9)/5.0)-1.0)/ms: Hz #orignal one
# betams=  0.28*(Vs/mV+70)/(exp((Vs/mV+70)/5.0)-1.0)/ms: Hz

Minfs=    alphams/(alphams+betams): 1 

alphahs=  0.128*exp((-43.0-Vs/mV)/18.0)/ms: Hz
betahs=   4.0/(1.0+exp((-20.0-Vs/mV)/5.0))/ms: Hz

# Kdr potassium current
alphans=  0.016*(-24.9-Vs/mV)/(exp((-24.9-Vs/mV)/5.0)-1.0)/ms: Hz
betans=   0.25*exp(-1.0-0.025*Vs/mV)/ms: Hz

# dendrite state

# calcium induced potassium current
alphacd=((int(Vd/mV<=-10)*exp(((Vd/mV+50.0)/11) - (Vd/mV + 53.3) / 27))/18.975 + (int(Vd/mV>-10)*2.0*exp((-53.5-Vd/mV)/27.0)))/ms : Hz
betacd=(int(Vd/mV<=-10)*(2.0*exp((-53.5-Vd/mV)/27.0)-alphacd*ms))/ms : Hz

# AHP: calcium induced potassium current
alphaqd=  clip(0.00002*Cad,0.00002*Cad, 0.01)/ms: Hz
betaqd = 0.001/ms: Hz
chid= clip(Cad/250.,Cad/250. , 1. ) : 1 

# calcium current
alphasd=  (1.6/(1.0+exp(-0.072*(Vd/mV-5.0))))/ms: Hz
betasd=   (0.02*(Vd/mV+8.9)/(exp((Vd/mV+8.9)/5.0)-1.0))/ms: Hz
# betasd= (0.02*(Vd/mV+13)/(exp((Vd/mV+13)/5.0)-1.0))/ms: Hz

Is : amp
Id : amp

#neuron groups
pyr_model = NeuronGroup(1, model=eqs_pyr, threshold='Minfs > 0.5', refractory=2 * ms,
                        reset=None, dt=dt,method='euler',name='pyr',
#initial values
pyr_model.Vs = pyr_initialvalues["Vs"]
pyr_model.Vd = pyr_initialvalues["Vd"]

mon_pyr = StateMonitor(pyr_model, ['Vs','Vd','Cad','ILs','INa', 'IK_DR','ICad','IK_ahp','IK_C','ILd'], record=True)
I = StateMonitor(pyr_model, 'Id', record=True)


Hi @bindok. I guess this is not the value that you are actually using in your simulation? Otherwise, I’d have an idea why the synapse is not doing anything :wink:

Ah no, even when gsyn = 2.0/ 4.0/ 8.0mS, the synapse still doesnt do anything. Sorry I didn’t update that in my code (I just updated it)

Alright, makes sense, was just checking :smile:

But I now see the problem. These lines:

Set the synaptic variable V_postsynapse /V_presynapse to the current value of the post-/pre-synaptic membrane potentials. They are not establishing a continuous link between the variables. Instead, in your equations, you can refer to Vs_post and v_int_pre, you do not need V_postsynapse and V_presynapse.

However, from your code, I am not seeing where you are actually using I_syn. This would normally be a variable of the post-synaptic cell, not of the synapse. With this kind of complex synapse model (some aspects of it are unnecessary complex IMHO, but this is a different question), what you’d usually do is to have a variable Isyn in your post-synaptic cell, and then include the following in your synapse equations:

Isyn_post = gsyn * ssyn * (Vs_post - vsyn) : amp  (summed)

I updated my synapse code to the following code and I guess it is working however I am not sure whether my results are correct. For reference this was in reference to feedforward circuit (wherein input goes into both cells and the interneuron inhibits the pyr through its inhibitory synapse to soma)

eqs_synapse = '''
Isynd_post = gsyn * ssyn * (Vd_post - vsyn) : amp  (summed)
dssyn/dt = (alpha_syn * (1 - ssyn)) * F - (beta_syn * ssyn) : 1 (clock-driven)
F = 1/(1+exp(-(v_int_pre-theta_syn)/sigma_syn)) : 1
alpha_syn = 1 / tau_rise : Hz 
beta_syn = 1 / tau_decay : Hz
gsyn : siemens
vsyn : volt
tau_rise : second
tau_decay : second
theta_syn : volt
sigma_syn : volt 
synapse_ff = Synapses(int_model, pyr_model, model=eqs_synapse, on_pre='ssyn += 1', method='euler', dt=dt, delay=0*ms)

#synapse parameters ......

However, this implementation does not work for feedback (wherein the input given to the pyr (dendrite) which depolarises the interneuron which further inhibits the pyr through inhibitory synapse to soma). This is how I am modelling those synapses:

eqs_synpi = '''
Isyni_post = gsyn * ssynpi * (v_int_post - vsyn) : amp (summed)
F = 1/(1+exp(-(Vd_pre-theta_syn)/sigma_syn)) : 1
dssynpi/dt = (alpha_syn * (1 - ssynpi)) * F - (beta_syn * ssynpi) : 1 (clock-driven)
alpha_syn = 1 / tau_rise : Hz 
beta_syn = 1 / tau_decay : Hz
gsyn : siemens
vsyn : volt
tau_rise : second
tau_decay : second
theta_syn : volt
sigma_syn : volt

eqs_synip = '''
Isyns_post = gsyn * ssynip * (Vs_post - vsyn) : amp (summed)
F = 1/(1+exp(-(v_int_pre-theta_syn)/sigma_syn)) : 1
dssynip/dt = (alpha_syn * (1 - ssynip)) * F - (beta_syn * ssynip) : 1 (clock-driven)
alpha_syn = 1 / tau_rise : Hz 
beta_syn = 1 / tau_decay : Hz
gsyn : siemens
vsyn : volt
tau_rise : second
tau_decay : second
theta_syn : volt
sigma_syn : volt
#first synapse between dendrite (pre) and interneuron(post)
synapse_pi = Synapses(pyr_model, int_model, model=eqs_synpi, on_pre= " ssynpi += 1 ", on_post= '', method='euler',dt=dt)
synapse_pi.connect(i=0, j=0)
# second synapse between interneuron (pre) and soma(post)
synapse_ip = Synapses(int_model, pyr_model, model=eqs_synip, on_pre= "ssynip += 1", method='euler',dt=dt)
synapse_ip.connect(i=0, j=0)

synapse_pi.gsyn = 2*msiemens
synapse_pi.vsyn = -62*mV
synapse_pi.tau_rise = 5.0*ms
synapse_pi.tau_decay = 20.0*ms
synapse_pi.theta_syn = 0.0*mV
synapse_pi.sigma_syn = 1.0*mV

synapse_ip.gsyn = 2*msiemens
synapse_ip.vsyn = -62*mV
synapse_ip.tau_rise = 5.0*ms
synapse_ip.tau_decay = 20.0*ms
synapse_ip.theta_syn = 0.0*mV
synapse_ip.sigma_syn = 1.0*mV

The plot attached is for feedback circuit. Maybe I am overlooking something but any suggestions would be appreciated!