Haven’t got to the network_operations part yet, but here’s some implementations of a 2D buffer which “rolls” along the 2nd dimension:
Google Colab notebook
scripts and helper functions under version control at GitHub - awillats/brian_delayed_gaussian
code reposted here: class definitions
from collections import deque
import numpy as np
class DQRingBuffer(deque):
NOTE: becuase of storage of columns as tuples, indexing is less flexible than numpy version
Assumes last value in buffer is current i.e. 0-delay
- this is compatible with calling
current_val_also = buff.get_delayed(0)
- see more discussion at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4151320/efficient-circular-buffer
from collections import deque
def __init__(self, buffer_len = 100, n_channels=1):
super().__init__([],maxlen = buffer_len)
self.n_channels = n_channels
#inherits append method
def append(self, new_val):
if self.n_channels > 1 and len(new_val) is not self.n_channels:
raise IndexError(f'ERROR, wrong size to append\n expected size {self.n_channels} got {len(new_val)}')
return None
if isinstance(new_val, np.ndarray):
new_val = tuple(new_val)
return super().append(new_val)
def fill(self, fill_val):
for i in range(self.maxlen):
def to_np(self):
return np.asarray(self)
def get_delayed(self, delay=1):
if not 0 <= delay < self.maxlen:
# won't let you return get_delayed(0),
raise IndexError(f'delay {delay} out of bounds for buffer length {self.maxlen}')
# print(-delay-1)
return self[-delay-1]
class RingBuffer:
loose implementation of a ring-buffer with numpy arrays
- only buffers along axis=1
- consider something like collections.deque for a stricter implementation
- see also Implementing a Ring Buffer - Python Cookbook: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/python-cookbook/0596001673/ch05s19.html
- speed test for roll implementations: https://gist.github.com/cchwala/dea03fb55d9a50660bd52e00f5691db5
def __init__(self,buffer_len = 100, initial_val=None):
self.n_channels = n_channels
self.buffer_len = buffer_len
self.values = np.full(self.buffer_len, initial_val)
def append(self, new_val):
# self.values = np.append(self.values, new_column)
# self.values = self.values[:, 1:]
self.values = np.roll(self.values, -1, axis=0)
self.values[-1] = new_val
def last(self):
return self.values[-1]
def get_delayed(self, delay=1):
if not 0 <= delay < self.buffer_len:
raise IndexError(f'delay {delay} out of bounds for buffer length {self.buffer_len}')
# alternate implementation would
# cap the delay, so that delay = -Inf returns the oldest value in the array.
# delay = max(min(delay, self.size),1)
return self.values[-delay-1]
def fill(self, fill_val):
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return self.values[idx]
def __str__(self):
return f'buffer with len: {self.buffer_len}, \nvals: {str(self.values)}\n'
class RingBuffer_2D:
(could be made simpler by extending numpy.ndarray)
would eliminate need to duplicate:
- fill()
- str()
loose implementation of a ring-buffer with numpy arrays
- only buffers along axis=1
- consider something like collections.deque for a stricter implementation
- see also Implementing a Ring Buffer - Python Cookbook: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/python-cookbook/0596001673/ch05s19.html
def __init__(self, n_channels, buffer_len = 100, initial_val=None):
self.n_channels = n_channels
self.buffer_len = buffer_len
self.values = np.full((self.n_channels, self.buffer_len), initial_val)
def append(self, new_column):
#expands column to 2D
self.values = np.append(self.values, new_column[:,None], axis=1)
self.values = self.values[:, 1:]
# np.roll is about 2x slower than method above for medium-sized arrays
# self.values = np.roll(self.values, -1, axis=1)
# self.values[:,-1] = new_column
def last(self):
return self.values[:,-1]
def get_delayed(self, delay=1):
if not 0 <= delay < self.buffer_len:
raise IndexError(f'delay {delay} out of bounds for buffer length {self.buffer_len}')
# alternate implementation would
# cap the delay, so that delay = -Inf returns the oldest value in the array.
# delay = max(min(delay, self.size),1)
return self.values[:,-delay-1]
def fill(self, fill_val):
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return self.values[idx]
def __str__(self):
return f'buffer with {self.n_channels} columns, len: {self.buffer_len}, \nvals: {str(self.values)}\n'
code reposted here: testing the classes
# if __name__ == "__main__":
import time
n_channels = 10
buff_len = 10000
np_buff = RingBuffer_2D(n_channels = n_channels, buffer_len=buff_len)
dq_buff = DQRingBuffer(buff_len, n_channels)
dq_buff2 = DQRingBuffer(buff_len, n_channels)
DeQue ring buffer is generally faster than numpy 2D version
ntest = 1000 #10000
t0 = time.time()
vec = np.arange(n_channels)
# Test numpy 2D array as buffer
for i in range(ntest):
np_buff.append( vec+i )
_ = np_buff.get_delayed(1)
t1 = time.time()
num_t = t1-t0
print('numpy 2D test')
print(f'{num_t:.3f} seconds for {ntest} iterations\n')
# Test deque of tuples as buffer
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(ntest):
dq_buff.append( vec+i )
_ = dq_buff.get_delayed(1)
t1 = time.time()
dq_t = t1-t0
print('deque test')
print(f'{dq_t:.3f} seconds for {ntest} iterations\n')
# Test deque of tuples as buffer + time to convert to numpy
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(ntest):
dq_buff2.append( vec+i )
_ = np.array(dq_buff2.get_delayed(1))
t1 = time.time()
dq_conv_t = t1-t0
print('deque test w/ conversion to numpy')
print(f'{dq_conv_t:.3f} seconds for {ntest} iterations\n')
print( f'deque {num_t/dq_t:.2f} times faster')
print( f'deque {num_t/dq_conv_t:.2f} times faster with conversion back to numpy array')
the upshot is collections.deque
[docs] is much faster, especially for long arrays than using a numpy 2D array. (up to 150x faster in some tests). It’s also worth noting that deque
has an implementation in the standard library in C++
If you want to use a numpy 2D array (because the indexing is much more flexible this way) you should “manually” implement the roll piece:
def append(self, new_column):
#expands column to 2D
self.values = np.append(self.values, new_column[:,None], axis=1)
self.values = self.values[:, 1:]
rather than use the built in np.roll()