Description of problem
I want to run one of the samples in Brian2 documentation which has the following term :
exc_neurons.x = '(i / N_rows)*grid_dist - N_rows/2.0*grid_dist'
exc_neurons.y = '(i % N_rows)*grid_dist - N_cols/2.0*grid_dist'
I get this warning :
WARNING The expression “i / N_rows” divides two integer values. In previous versions of Brian, this would have used either an integer (“flooring”) or a floating point division, depending on the Python version and the code generation target. In the current version, it always uses a floating point division. Explicitly ask for an integer division ("//"), or turn one of the operands into a floating point value (e.g. replace “1/2” by “1.0/2”) to no longer receive this warning. [brian2.parsing.bast.floating_point_division]
How can I solve it ?