Brian2 + Dendrify tutorial at CNS conference in Leipzig (15/07/2023)

:wave: Hi everyone. For those of you who happen to come the CNS*2023 conference in Leipzig, Germany, make sure you don’t miss out on the tutorial T03: Modeling dendritic computations in spiking neural networks with Brian 2 and Dendrify.
In this full-day tutorial, @mpagkalos, Spyridon Chavlis, and myself will give an introduction to Brian 2 and to the dendrify package. The tutorial is aimed at students that have experienced in neither software, but hopefully should also come with some useful info if you are already familiar with them.

The tutorial will take place tomorrow, 15/07/2023 from 9-17h20 in the Telemann room. Hope to see some of you there! We’ll try to make the material from the tutorial available to everyone later when we are back from the conference.

Entry in CNS schedule with more information: CNS*2023 Leipzig: T03: Modeling dendritic computations in...

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