Description of problem
Hi Brian users,
I am a newbie in the field of Brian2 simulators. I’m trying to simulate the SNN using Brian2 but am stuck on the way to importing input into the network. In more detail, I use the ‘for’ loop to run the simulation, each loop corresponds to one data point. For each data point, I create a periodical series of spikes to import it into network and I want to change one variable (G1.I_i) just before running a new loop. One important note is that ‘G1.I_i’ is a constant leaky current of neuron group.
I have tried store and restore but it didn’t work and I don’t know why. It would be perfect if you could help me to solve it or your ideas to create a periodical series of spikes in a different way are welcome.
Thank you very much!
Minimal code to reproduce problem
for i in range(nb_in):
in_pair = input[i, :]
G1.I_i =, weight01)*ms)