Google Summer of Code 2023 Mentee

Hey there, folks! My name is Abhishek Tiwari, and I’m thrilled to be a part of GSoC 2023 as a Mentee at Brian Org, INCF.
I have something exciting to share with you all - I’ll be working on a project that aims to revolutionize the coding experience for computational neuroscientists who use the Brian simulator.
Wait, let me tell you more about it - I’m creating a Brian-specific Language Server Extension Plugin with
Syntax Highlighting Rule, Auto-Completion, and Syntax Check features for mathematical equations. This means you won’t have to struggle anymore to debug code or identify complex mathematical equations among similar colour strings. How cool is that?
The expected outcome is to improve productivity and coding experience. If you’re interested in learning more about my project, I have all the details on my proposal.
I’m so excited to work with all of you this summer and make a successful impact with my project. Thank you for your attention!