Google Summer of Code 2023

Hi everyone :wave:
We are happy to again participate in the Google Summer of Code, an initiative that gives students (and non-students that are available over the time frame of the project) the opportunity to contribute to an Open Source Project – Brian in this case, of course :blush:

It is a paid internship for 12 or more weeks, see organizational details in the link above.

In principle, students can propose their own project, but in practice they mostly choose from the list of proposed projects. This year, we are proposing three projects for the Brian simulator (the links go to the website where discussions should take place):

The 175h and 350h refer to the time frame of the project (β€œsmall” vs. β€œbig” projects)

Together with the GeNN developers, we are also proposing to work on the Brian2GeNN package:

As I mentioned earlier, the discussion for the specific projects should take place on neurostars, but please don’t hesitate to ask general questions here.

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