New release: Brian 2.5

It took us a while, but we are very happy to finally announce a new release, Brian 2.5 :tada:. This release comes with a large number of bug fixes, various small improvements to the C++ code generation process, new examples and improved documentation, as well as a more powerful “generator syntax” for synapse generation. In particular, it is now possible to generate a fixed number of synapses randomly – either for each pre-synaptic or for each post-synaptic cell. We have also updated our build and testing infrastructure, and now provide binary pip-installable packages for all platforms, including the fancy new Apple hardware. Please let us know if you run into any issues!

As always, Brian 2 can be installed with Anaconda from the conda-forge channel (packages are provided for Python 3.7–3.10), or with pip from the pypi repository. See the installation instructions for more details.

Thanks to everyone who contributed :handshake:!


Great news :clap:. Thank you so much for continuing the development of Brian.

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Very exciting! The binary wheels should make loading Brian into the browser using pyodide much easier also!

Oh, interesting point! I am not entirely sure, but doesn’t pyodide only support pure-Python wheels?

ah whoops, yes you’re right, pure python wheels only :sweat_smile:

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Thanks for the release. I’ve updated the Spack package: spack/ at develop · spack/spack · GitHub

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Great, thanks! I forgot about adding it to the new installation instructions (which now mentions the Debian and Fedora packages) – would be happy to merge a Pull Request adding instructions on how to install Brian with Spack :blush: .

Expect a PR with instructions soon :slight_smile:

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Installed without a hitch on an M1 Mac Mini :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Hello, happy to report that the Fedora Linux package has also been updated to the latest version now, and should reach users in a week or so (after going through the QA pipeline):

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